Najnowsze recenzje (2 214)
Krzyk - Season 2 (2016) (seria)
Season 2 starts to toughen up a bit, unfortunately, we are still on the same wave. Although, the plot is a bit more tangled and even more unbelievable, the killer is once again absolutely (un)shockingly revealed, and then we have an extra two-part Halloween special, which I didn't like much. We find out that the end of the second season was just an alternative one, and we reveal another killer again. Scream is really a stretch and unfortunately it is not done on purpose, but it is taken very seriously. If it weren't, my rating might be a star higher. Despite all of that, it's my guilty pleasure. The writers left an open ending, I'm afraid of how stereotypical the third season could be, and I'm curious how long those kids can last, but I keep watching. Also, I praise the great soundtrack.
Krzyk - Season 1 (2015) (seria)
I have such a strange opinion about Scream. I had been avoiding it for a long time because I had read rather negative reviews like that it's a mess and simply a stupid series for teenagers. Well, basically it's absolutely true and I'm really aware of that. But something about it just entertains me. It's quite a relaxing thing, fortunately I quite like the characters, although what they go through there, I would have moved three times over by now. Basically, they have a tough shell, too tough indeed. And by that I mean that Scream doesn't really play that brilliantly with logic. The conclusion of season 1 seemed more like from a bad dream, and even though the writers try to be shocking, to me it felt like mockery and complete slapdash improvisation. Everyone is the killer and no one is the killer; the killer is everywhere and nowhere, just a really precise little assassin with a teleport and a very well-mastered hacking skill. However, so far it's just getting started shyly, the characters are rather stupid figures (except for the funny Noah) and it's hard to build any deeper relationship with this work.
Beezel (2024)
If I had to compare Beezel to something, I'd say kind of a monothematic whole, but fragmented V/H/S at the same time. It's one house, one boogeyman, but a different timeline and different characters. I enjoyed the first and second "episodes", the third one was too long and a bit annoying. It does offer a couple of serviceable scares and some pretty nice make-up effects, and for what I was expecting to be more of an amateurish nothing, it entertained me quite well.
Najnowszy dzienniczek (20)
TOP 10 2023 - Horory
Rok 2023 disponoval za mě asi největším hororovým suchem za poslední léta, což je po koronavirovém čase dost smutná zpráva. Ač mi chybí ještě dohnat korejský Sleep, který se mi doteď nepodařilo sehnat a Thanksgiving Eliho Rotha u jehož poloviny jsem upadla do kómatu a neměla chuť ho ani dokoukávat, asi si budu muset vystačit s tím minimem, co tu mám. Jelikož nevěřím, že Sleep udělá v mém žebříčku nějakou revoluci, ráda ho ale po zhlédnutí se zpožděním zařadím. Do té doby se jedná jen o několik čtyřhvězdičkových záležitostí a pár ubohých průměrů. Letos mi vyrazilo paradoxně nejvíce dech asi pokračování série Saw, na který jsem ani původně nechtěla do kina zajít, ale ještě že se tak stalo. Jinak je to smutný příběh.
Edit: Nakonec jsem Sleep sehnala chvíli po sepsání žebříčku a svou snaživostí a pěknou atmosférou mu věnuji osmé místo.
1. Saw X
2. Talk to Me
4. Cobweb
8. Sleep