Alien Abyss

Nowa Zelandia, 2022, 3x50 min


1. Origin Stories: Get acquainted with an array of ocean oddballs and learn how billions of years’ worth of changes, from ice ages to asteroid strikes, have shaped their looks and skills. Meet blind worms who fish, walking sharks, tree-climbing crabs, and much more.
2. Allies and Adversaries: Feel the love in the strange-but-heartwarming partnerships between some of Earth’s oddest creatures. Dive deep to see strange animals, from snapping shrimp to wolf eels, offer a hand to their fellow ocean-going weirdos to ensure mutual survival.
3. The Next Generation: Channel your inner sci-fi fan and explore the bizarre mating rituals of the ocean’s most peculiar creatures. Learn how bloody battles for mates, gender bending, and supersize litters of babies just might secure a next generation for these animals. (Love Nature 4K)

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