
Rosja, 2018



Science is the only important thing in the life of 32-year-old Ulyana Sinitsina, who's an employee of the Department of General Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University. Her main achievement is the development of a unique method of psych diagnostics based on spontaneous drawings of people. The thing is, the Department doesn't acknowledge her test, and Ulyana is not allowed to earn a PhD degree. Sinitsina, refusing to give up and, wanting to try out her invention in practice, takes a job as a regular psychologist in the police. She's being assigned as a consultant to an extravagant investigator Igor Levin, who turns out to be the complete opposite to Sinitsina, and, naturally, does not believe in her methodic. But Ulyana is ready to prove that her test works, even at the cost of her own life. (Марс Медиа)
