VOD (1)


Dziesięć lat później. Rhaenyra manewruje pośród niekończących się spekulacji Alicent na temat jej dzieci, podczas gdy Daemon i Laena rozważają ofertę w Pentos. (HBO Max)

Recenzje (2)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika (do tego serialu)

angielski Jump 10 years and the dark world of Game of Thrones suddenly looks and feels like a mix with the Twilight saga. Lots of talk about nothing, extremely unlikeable main protagonists and lots of twists that don't make much sense and don't hold the dramatic arc together. A fatal downward plunge. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika (do tego serialu)

angielski I gambled last time and raised the rating to three stars, and I fell flat on my face. The sixth episode was mind-numbingly boring. If I felt a thrill of excitement each time I saw a birth, I would undoubtedly have enjoyed the episode because the creators dedicated a decent portion of the running time to the delivery of new lives or at least attempts at it, but since I don't enjoy such scenes, I wasn't happy at all. At first, I wanted to complain about the ridiculously long time jumps, but I quickly changed my mind when I realized how much suffering the creators spared me. / Lesson learned: After all those births I've seen on screen, I can't understand why women willingly go through it. ()