Три плюс два

  • Związek Radziecki Tri pljus dva (więcej)
Związek Radziecki, 1963, 101 min


Three friends - Stepan, Vadim and Roman - have decided to live like “barbarians” on the deserted coast of the Black Sea. But soon two young girls, Zoya and Natasha, arrive on the same coastline. They set up their tent, unpack their things - clearly emphasizing that have come here not by accident. They declare that the place belongs to them for five years already. They suggest that the young men ‘clear off’ as soon as possible. But the friends do not ‘clear off’. So the girls decide to make the stay intolerable for their neighbours. However, it so happens that Vadim falls in love with Natasha, and Roman with Zoya. To Stepan’s great chagrin the harmony in the men’s camp has been disrupted. However, he comes to the aid of the lovers who almost lost each other. (Kinotavr)
