Karin Lechner

Karin Lechner


Karin started her musical training with her mother, Lyl Tiempo, and made her first public appearance at the age of five. When she turned eleven she made her debut with orchestra, and made her first record at the age of thirteen for EMI. Since then she undertook an active international career playing in major concert halls all over the world, including Kennedy Center in Washington, Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Philharmonie in Berlin, Suntory Hall in Tokyo or Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires.

Karin has collaborated with other distinguished artists in chamber music performances such as Martha Argerich, Janos Starker, Barbara Hendricks, Viktoria Mullova, and she regularly performs two-piano music with her brother, Sergio Tiempo, with whom she forms a permanent duo and has recorded sevaral CDs. She is also a member of the Carlo Van Neste Trio with the violinist Maya Levy and the cellist Alexandre Debrus.

Euro Arts



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