Didier Naert

Didier Naert

ur. 1951


The main patron of the festival and foster son of Alexandre Trauner. He graduated from l’ENSBA in Paris, then he started working with Trauner in the 1970s as an assistant production designer. Among others, they worked together on Luc Besson’s Metro (1985). The most renowned French award, the César Prize was given to the film for its production design, sound design and also to the main actor (Christopher Lambert).

Naert was the director of the decoration department of the French film and television school, FEMIS, between 1998 and 2001, still working there as a lecturer. He also worked as president of the College of Arts and Technique (ESAT) and the National College of Fine Arts (ENSBA). Not only is he well-known as an art director but he is a highly respected architect and stage designer, too.

Alexandre Trauner ART/FILM Fesztivál


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