Marcela Cassinelli

Marcela Cassinelli

ur. 1961
Buenos Aires, Argentyna


After her primary and secondary education, her main calling was for Design and Architecture, of which she graduated from the University of Buenos Aires in 1984. At about the same time began her interest in cinematography, especially the history of Argentine Cinema, joined the Semanario de Historia del Cine Mudo, has had two publications: Historia del Cine Latinoamericano (Fundación Nuevo Cine Latinoamericano – 1992 edition), and the Historia de los primeros años del cine en la Argentina 1895-1919 (Fundación Cinemateca Argentina – 1996 edition). She has also taken part in the production of television programs such as El cine y los días, Cinemateca, and Parece que fue ayer. She has also carried out the historical research for the film Gardel el alma que canta (directed by Carlos Orgambide, 1985). Together with Guillermo Fernández Jurado directed the CD ROM El cine Argentino 1933-1995, and its subsequent update in 1997. As of 1999 she is the Chairwoman of the Fundación Cinemateca Argentina.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca



Peter von Bagh

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