Paolo Virzì

Paolo Virzì

ur. 04.03.1964 (60 lat)
Livorno, Toskánsko, Włochy


Paolo Virzì (b. 1964, Livorno, Italy) devoted himself to theater and literature, then studied screenwriting at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. He debuted in film as a director with Living It Up (La bella vita, 1994), screened at Venice and awarded a David di Donatello for Best New Director. His debut led the way to a career involving work as a screenwriter, director, and producer. His films tend toward tragicomedy. Selected filmography: August Vacation (Ferie d'agosto, 1995), Hardboiled Egg (Ovosodo, 1996), Kisses and Hugs (Baci e abbracci, 1998), Caterina in the Big City (Caterina va in città, 2003), Her Whole Life Ahead (Tutta la vita davanti, 2008 – Horizons section at KVIFF 2009), The First Beautiful Thing (La prima cosa bella, 2010), Every Blessed Day (Tutti i santi giorni, 2012), and The Human Capital (Il capitale umano, 2013).

MFF Karlovy Vary






Janela Indiscreta