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Recenzje (2 766)


Funny People (2009) 

angielski Adam Sandler to Eric Bana: “If I looked like you, I’d be at home all day fucking myself.” This is one of the few lines in this sad comedy that will make you laugh out loud. But you will enjoy your time with the characters and that’s what it’s all about. About relationships, the need to have someone close, the importance of past love and the fact that being rich and famous doesn’t mean not being lonely. On the contrary, the opposite is true. Judd Apatow perfectly escalates most of the dialogue scenes, reveals life behind the Hollywood glamor and lets the actors shine “internally”. But the two-and-a-halfhour runtime is really too much for the given genre.


Droga bez powrotu 5: Krwawe granice (2012) 

angielski Bloodlines is a demented but still relatively entertaining B-slasher in which the most annoying character is played by Doug “Pinhead” Bradley from Hellraiser. The murders are done in an “ingenious” manner (à la Saw), which will certainly please the uncritical fans of the genre, and they are once again disgustingly sadistic (which will please them even more). But what brings the series down to garbage level is the behavior of the victims and the absolute invincibleness of the three redneck cannibals, who seem to be able to take on the US military with just a shovel, a pitchfork and a retarded chuckle. It’s more of self-parody than horror. I feel a little guilty about adding the second star, but what can you do; it has an indisputable guilty-pleasure potential.


Piła mechaniczna 3D (2013) 

angielski In the old days, after watching Tobe Hooper’s original, I longed for it to last another hour and a half. I wanted to keep riding that wave of horror and never leave. Texas Chainsaw 3D follows the original in that spirit... but it completely changed the concept of both the classics and the Michael Bay-produced remakes, which delighted the contemporary young viewer with ultra-brutality and a modern grim atmosphere. It is the least bloody of the mentioned films and not at all grim. Leatherface wears a purple sweater and the conflict of local villagers with the remains of the Saw family interferes with the plot in a way that the audience doesn’t care about. The scene on the carousel surprised and delighted me, and Alexandra Daddario is the most interesting actress to appear in a slasher flick in a long while, but the rest is a scriptwriting and directorial mistake with everything in it wrong in the context of the horror legend.


Unearthed (2007) 

angielski Young Indiana Jones meets Evil Dead, without a single original director’s touch and with ridiculous visual effects. A truly low-grade B-movie you neither need nor want to see.


Switch (2011) 

angielski The last third of Switch is overly contrived. The wrongfully accused on the lam and the main cop are not as stellar and charismatic as we’re used to from similar French genre films. Because of this, and for some less-than-believable situations, the film cannot equal the best American thrillers. But as a way to kill some time, it’ll keep you entertained. It maintains the mystery surrounding the main villain long enough and at least one scene will stick in your memory (the chase in the mansion neighborhood).


Maniac (2012) 

angielski In the first quarter, Maniac looks like a disgusting, self-serving gore fest, repelling the audience, who then finds it hard to stay interested in it. But it’s helped by the character of a photographer played by Nora Arnezeder, who brings normality and humanity to all the psychedelic disgust. Thanks to her, the darkness and purity are balanced, and by learning the causes of Elijah Wood’s murderous madness, the repulsive slasher movie becomes a thrilling drama. Compared to the trashy 1980s original, it’s a commendable step towards A-rated filmmaking, while maintaining the original’s explicit gore and brutality. It’s original thanks to the ripper’s POV and especially the crazy (but fantastic!) electronic soundtrack. A bizarre affair about which we can be glad it turned out the way it did.


Kac Vegas 3 (2013) 

angielski Part III is a great ending of the series, though it lacks a more interesting climax. However, the bonus in the end credits almost completely makes up for it. Great cadence and originality of the jokes. Zach Galifianakis and Ken Jeong dominate the film, as Bradley Cooper and Ed Helms are only their sidekicks. John Goodman is a breath of fresh air. Though I found the first instalment strange, while watching the second part I began to understand the essence of “WolfPack humor”, and the third Hangover made me roll on the floor with laughter.


Tylko Bóg wybacza (2013) 

angielski Had it not been for the success of Drive, Ryan Gosling and Kristin Scott Thomas would’ve never agreed to star in Only God Forgives, a film so anti-audience that I doubt it will get a wider cinema release in the US. A not exactly model American family operating in Bangkok makes a local machete-wielding police chief very angry. Who is related to whom is revealed only gradually, with the steadily rising body count. Everyone is a psycho either raping fourteen-year-olds, dealing drugs or poking people’s eyes out. Omnipresent darkness, deliberately placed lanterns and neon images, dragon symbols in the red half-light, slow-moving figures, dark or psychedelic music, and Ryan Gosling staring into space as hard as never before. The film plays with audience expectations, misleads, hypnotizes, scares, sometimes fascinates, but does not provide any final satisfaction. Vithaya Pansringarm’s cop is a properly demonic sadist, while the mother played by Kristin Scott Thomas is a properly unscrupulous bitch. A strange movie that will make you think, but doesn’t come to any conclusions.


Szybcy i wściekli 6 (2013) 

angielski The mechanical, hastily put together screenplay of Fast & Furious 6 is closer to Die Hard 5 than to Fast & Furious 5. Meeting, action, meeting, action, meeting, action and so on. The meetings are not as funny as they would like to be and the action is comically exaggerated and not easy enough to follow, given that Fast & Furious is the most successful action series of today. Furthermore, the sixth instalment does not take place in an attractive exotic environment like the fifth one does and its story has detours that make it unnecessarily protracted and less dynamic (the visit in the jail, Vin Diesel and Michelle Rodriguez racing), and we’ve already seen all of its highlights in the trailers.


Hipnotyzer (2012) 

angielski The Hypnotist is a decent thriller that focuses on the gradual unraveling of a sophisticated mystery. Some moments are predictable, but the story always keeps some questions unanswered. The married couple’s troubles shouldn’t have gotten so much space, as they slow the film down unnecessarily, although a certain hypnotic slowness is part of the game with the audience. The gloomy atmosphere of Stockholm in winter is not as powerful as the creators had intended, but Mikael Persbrandt excels in the role of the hypnotist. His performance is the best part of the film.