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Ulubione seriale (5)

Prawo ulicy

Prawo ulicy (2002)

Ed Burns, a former police officer and teacher, and David Simon, a journalist, have observed Baltimore’s streets long enough to know that most of them are dominated by the criminal business in any form, and the drug business in particular. Years of experience were put to good use in writing the books and also the script for this series. The result is an incredibly complex, sophisticated, and unfortunately also reflective-of-everyday-reality crime drama, pitting special units, assembled by superiors from the unpopular guys to show goodwill to politicians while possibly being able to sink them for their incompetence, against drug dealers. However, don't expect a tale about a bunch of losers who kicked everyone’s ass. This bunch celebrates partial successes but in fact also constantly struggles with how to avoid their feet being pulled from underneath them by the higher-ups, how to keep their temper within the limits of the law, and how not to lose their necks because the other side also suspects and acts. The sophistication of the two worlds, which are equally shared, is the main driving force behind the series. Elaborate characters, with whom you would normally have trouble shaking hands, uncompromisingly draw you into a whirlwind of action that certainly doesn't end with the clacking of handcuffs and the slamming of bars. If you like the CSI series, or anything similar, where the heroes are supplied by modeling agencies to catch a killer based on a forgotten hair or a perfectly focused photo from miles away, feel free to avoid this one. This shatters all romantic notions with unprecedented vigor. From my point of view, its definitely the best series I've ever seen.

Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad (2008)

Seeing Breaking Bad makes me want to extract the ricin from the beans, but that's essentially my only complaint. This is the first series since The Wire that honestly fascinates me with its attention to plot sophistication, fictional characters, and, most importantly, absolute unpredictability. I gave up guessing the storyline halfway through the second season because there's no point. The way in which Walter White, who learns the value and brevity of human life from one day to the next, functions on both sides of the law while (un)consciously pulling in people around him is perhaps even better than in Dexter. This is mainly because the moments when we realize that he is really becoming evil are conveyed by the filmmakers through complete banality. Like ordinary marital conversations: "I'm not in danger." I am the danger!"

Kompania braci

Kompania braci (2001)

A masterpiece! Even twenty years later. When the series premiered, "Medal of Honor" and "Call of Duty" were being played daily by players. But two decades have passed, and over time you gain some experience, learn a few things, and thanks to media coverage, the war is actually online on our phones, and suddenly we perceive the ten-hour colossus is completely differently. That senseless massacre in the Ardennes is no longer as cool, and neither are the torn bodies. Suddenly, there are ten mini-stories about one huge bit of determination, about real "ordinary men" who did "extraordinary things," which stands precisely on the edge of a celebratory ode and simple military pathos, never sliding into kitsch or pleasing flattery. HBO spent an extravagant budget for its time, which the creators pumped into the magnificent set design and huge cast, where mud and snow get under their nails. These small outbursts of humanity (particularly the medic's ordeal) only confirm the power of the storytelling. A genre benchmark and a series standard that continues to dominate in many aspects and leaves most competitors far behind.


Biuro (2005)

The only sitcom (and actually series in general) where I watched all (9!) seasons twice in less than a year. Michael Scott is the most sympathetic idiot I've ever had the opportunity to see. It's rare to see someone act with such gusto. And despite all the side characters, I'm still most eager to learn more about Creed.

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