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Recenzje (1 742)


I nie było już nikogo (2015) (serial) 

angielski To begin with, I have to say that next to "Murder on the Orient Express", this is undoubtedly the best mystery from Agatha Christie's pen, and it won me over completely. For three hours, we have the opportunity to watch an absolutely breathtaking spectacle that benefits mainly from a wonderfully selected cast and a very well-written story. One lonely island, one large mansion and ten people who have committed crimes in the past for which they have not been punished + one quite frightening rhyme predict the individual deaths of everyone present. I liked the incorporation of flashbacks into the plot, so we get the opportunity to learn more about each character and their crimes as the story progressed, and could form an opinion about each. Alongside this, I also have to praise the camera work, which offered both symbolic details and eerily beautiful shots of the estate on the island, alongside an equally impressive and unmistakable soundtrack that perfectly complemented the stuffy atmosphere and the impossibility of escaping the island. In short, a very well made television project that combines several of my favourite elements and aspects that I look for in films or TV shows, and which was definitely my cup of tea. And that it was damn good and quality tea!


Underworld: Bunt Lykanów (2009) 

angielski I welcomed the idea of making a prequel to the first and second Underworld with open arms, as it was good to go back to the origins of the conflict between vampires and Lycans. I also welcomed the return of Bill Nighy, whose performance as Victor, one of the oldest vampires, was simply spot on. I was a little uneasy about the casting of Rhona Mitra in the lead role, as I don't really like her, but on the other hand I have to admit that the casting team managed to choose an actress who is very similar to Kate Beckinsale, which was the point – they really do look almost like sisters or cousins. The film doesn't lack for action, a few good scares and in this case a numerous horde of properly bloodthirsty werewolves. There was a jarring scene here and there – for example, the sex on top of the castle or Lucian's speech to the other Lycans in the cells – but that's kind of part of the franchise. All in all, a decent sequel (or rather prequel) to the first two parts, with a really good atmosphere thanks to the setting in ancient times.


Underworld: Evolution (2006) 

angielski Underworld: Evolution is a solid sequel to the first part, completing the rest of the puzzle and a fairly well thought out vampire-Lycanian mythology. I liked the concept of the first immortal and his sons, the founders of two houses that have been hunting and killing each other since time immemorial. I also have to mention the good connection to the first film and the flashbacks to the past, which broke up the time plane of the story so the plot didn't feel so monotonous. Similarly to the first one, the biggest weakness was the poorer script in places and some scenes that were made for effect without being logical. Despite this, though, and perhaps because of it, I like this series for its action-packed, purposefully goofy (which I mean no disrespect) look. A sequel comparable to the first one, which certainly doesn't put the series to shame and even stands out slightly from the pack thanks to its many flashbacks.


Underworld (2003) 

angielski Along with Ginger Snaps, Underworld is one of those series featuring monsters that I can't get enough of, despite my mediocre rating. The first episode has a really well done and atmospheric opening, including an introduction to the mythology of vampires and werewolves that draws the viewer into the story. I liked the hierarchy and the overall concept of the world of vampires, who, compared to werewolves (or here so nobly called Lycans), seemed more "aristocratic" – for example, covens and awakening elders. Like more than one user here, I have to comment on some of the illogical or even downright silly scenes that occurred from time to time in the film, such as the floor being shot through with a pistol (overall, Selene had a lot of rough bullets as they pierced the floor and walls at rest), the shooting sequence (a ton of bullets politely losing all the way against a few shots), or (possible SPOILER! ) the final duel between Viktor and Michael, which at times kind of reminded me of an awkwardly done game of strings and flying through the air (end of possible SPOILER!). But not to be a detractor here, I have to give credit to the decently done cliffhanger, which set the stage for the sequel, and also the decent soundtrack. It's a film that I like despite these visible flaws, which is why I like to come back to it from time to time.


Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scape (2016) (film telewizyjny) 

angielski A mediocre Easter special about the old Ice Age gang. It has some good ideas (Easter traditions) and quite funny scenes, but as with the last two feature films (the fourth and fifth), the overly didactic tone hurts it the most.


Stranger Things (2016) (serial) 

angielski Stranger Things is undoubtedly a pleasant surprise and a random revelation in today's glut of TV series and miniseries. In my case, I can't speak of a certain nostalgic return to the 80s, as I didn’t experienced them and secondly I am not as familiar with the scifi-horror filmography of the time as others (however, I have seen The Thing and The Evil Dead, which are referenced more than once here, alongside numerous mentions of “Lord of the Rings” or “The Hobbit”, which I also enjoyed, even if I've never read the books). In the first place, I have to praise the idea and the story itself, as I was really tense from the first minutes about how everything was going to unfold, and the tension eased (though not completely) only at the end of the last episode. Another plus point is the believably built up atmosphere of the 80s, from the clothes, to the cars, to the music to the overall mood and "feel", which managed to bring me very well closer to this (unseen by me) era. The cast was generally well chosen – I personally didn't mind Winona Ryder's acting too much, I was more focused on the child actors who played their roles very well, and even managed to evoke emotions when the characters interacted – anger or indignation at the bullies, smiling at the boys' humorous discussions, or sadness at someone's death. At the moment, I can't think of anything else to highlight about the series, as I'd be repeating myself a lot with other reviews here (which I've already violated above, then). In short, a decently made genre series that grabs you in its clutches right at the beginning and doesn’t let go until the end, so definitely both thumbs up from me.


Cosmic Scrat-tastrophe (2015) 

angielski Rather than the humorous aspect, which is of course present, but not to the same extent as in the older Scrat shorts, I have to appreciate the great imaginativeness regarding (not only) the formation of the solar system. The poster touts a parody of The Martian, but the short is a mix of space adventure films, basically another and exceedingly crazy chain of events started by a prehistoric squirrel.


The Alchemist's Letter (2015) 

angielski In terms of visuals, music and story, this is a well-made short film that makes you think about yourself. We all make mistakes, they are in our human nature and it is good to learn from past mistakes so that we don't repeat them in the future. Besides, there is nothing more precious than memories, especially good ones.


Code 8 (2016) 

angielski Code 8 plays out a ten-minute story with a good and really imaginative plot, so I'll definitely be looking forward to the feature film if it actually comes to fruition. It would be a shame not to tap into such potential, which was noticeable even in those few minutes.


Training Wheels (2013) 

angielski A humorous four-minute short about little Agnes, the Minions and the relentless pursuit of ice cream, which will surely earn an extra star from unicorn lovers. I commend the hilarious references to other films.