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Recenzje (1 159)


Co się zdarzyło w Las Vegas (2008) 

angielski For the first time in a long time, a movie that consistently made me laugh. The main reason is the great "foursome". The jokes are delivered naturally and finally it's not the "ahh, how about we sit down at the table and tell jokes?" style. Cameron and Ashton's faces are unique and awfully nice to look at... woooow. A real ride that deserves no less than 5 stars.


Clerks - Sprzedawcy (1994) 

angielski For the umpteenth time, I've never understood why audiences love a movie that can't be funny and so has to resort to reaching for the bottom. But here I don't get it at all! They put a couple of greasy-haired ponytails behind the counter. They tell them to spout one old bullshit after another and talk dirty. When they had nowhere left to go, they started getting lame (really lame) about sex... and for what? Kevin Smith may be all things... just not a god.


Koralina i tajemnicze drzwi (2009) 

angielski Coraline took me back a few years and made me feel like a kid who loves fairy tales, dolls, and adventure. A powerful and excellent film that is totally unique in its stylization. From my perspective, Coraline swept Alice off the table like a button :-) Brilliant!


Kvaska (2007) 

angielski I'm a huge fan of Daniel Landa, his music, and the Kalich Theatre. Really, and even though I'll be one of the few, I can't give anything but 5 stars. Yes, I'm proud of this film and I'm rooting for 2LANDA.


Życie od kuchni (2007) 

angielski I'm a sucker for movies with cooking. Here, they cooked until you could smell it at home and then there was the ahem...the looove. The relationship between Catherine and Aaron was more than nice enough and of course little Abigail once again did not disappoint. For me, easily watchable and lovable, in some places really great. I'm going against the low ratings here and giving 5 stars, even if they aren't quite as pure.


Spirited Away: W krainie Bogów (2001) 

angielski Yay! It's got so much charm you can hardly believe it. One of the few films that really deserves its title! The beautiful animation, enchanting music, and he ease with which the fantasy is transmitted to the viewer is unreal!


Tajne przez poufne (2008) 

angielski One man's trash is another man's sheer genius. I'm in the latter group... the big names paid off in this case. And surely I needn’t point out that Brad Pitt was cute and George Clooney was incredible... surely everyone saw for themselves.


Łatwa dziewczyna (2010) 

angielski So once again we’ve been disappointed... this movie was everything... just not funny or romantic. The lead actress was pretty hot, but it all still felt kind of awkward and unfinished... or did I miss the point? Then she was too well hidden.


Labor Pains (2009) 

angielski Even though it's basically about nonsense (a contrived pregnancy is nothing particularly original), but I liked the style it was conceived in. Lindsay was really good in the movie and overall it was fun to watch... I'm leaning towards 4 stars, but it's somewhere between 3 and 4.


Sekrety i grzeszki (2011) 

angielski A below average drama, an average comedy... but either way it had some light moments where I wanted to pee myself laughing! The year 2011 has many great films so I guess it can get away with it sometimes too, right? But we don't have to sink any lower, do we?