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Recenzje (1 159)


Friendzone (2021) 

angielski This is definitely not how I imagine a romcom to be. The romance is almost nonexistent, the comedy very weak. The band of girlfriends throws in a good joke here and there, but there isn’t the right chemistry between them either. Still, they outnumber the main character, who absolutely lacks any charisma.  And the ending actually dragged the whole thing down even further. 2 stars


22 July (2018) 

angielski In the end it turned out that holding off watching it for fear of being completely shredded when it was over was altogether unnecessary. This time Paul Greengrass didn’t focus so much on the brutality of the attack as on the victims coming to terms with what happened. And also on the absurdity of how the attacker is treated. That's probably what hurt the most in the end. As a drama, it was good, everyone tried hard, but in the end it struck me – I don't know why – as rather superficial. 3.5 stars.


Plan na miłość (2018) (serial) 

angielski I could find things that thrilled me about every episode and character, but also things that could very easily be criticized. I feel like it’s impossible to rate this series objectively. A lot depends on how much you identify with the characters and their rather controversial natures. Though I didn't always understand them, I actually found their behavior quite endearing. Likewise the soundtrack and the humor. 4 stars


Winni (2018) 

angielski When an entire movie is based on one guy, you need to like him – one way or another. I had pretty mixed feelings about him, though. While I thought he gave a good and believable performance as an actor, I was incredibly annoyed by his superiority and his treatment of his colleagues and the people on the other side of the line. It was quite distracting and as a result I was only interested in what was happening where we couldn't see it. You could say this film is about a single moment in time. And that worked for me. But then it sort of awkwardly fell apart, and suddenly it was over, and that just wasn't enough for me. A weaker 4 stars


The F**k-It List (2020) 

angielski If the movie had been in a language I didn't know one bit, I would have figured I missed the point, but even though I understood everything the people on screen were saying, I still have no idea what the hell the movie was about. Pretty much everything here is wrong. I swear I don't know who the main character was friends with, what his relationship with his parents was, or what he was trying to accomplish with all of this. The last point is probably excusable, because it's supposed to be about a disaffected teenager, but it doesn't come across that way, and that makes me even more lost. Has it happened? Have I aged so much I don't understand young people today?! Does that mean I'm not young anymore?! F**k it.


Ja, ty, my, oni (2021) 

angielski I wouldn't be too harsh on the four of them. I understand that not everyone is into non-traditional relationships, but it was probably clear from the start that this was going to be controversial. If you want a classic romance starring one man and one woman, or if you have trouble tolerating the lifestyles of others, you probably shouldn’t watch this film. It will get you stamping your foot unnecessarily. The humor was a bit too much for my taste at times and I'm a bit disappointed that the filmmakers couldn't take such a good subject matter and bring more depth and interesting conversations. But despite that I think they managed to create a unique, ambiguous atmosphere that I enjoyed being in. In my eyes Paula is one of those actresses who is just interesting and the viewer wants to see more and more of them. This German Mila Kunis (at times I truly couldn't believe it wasn't actually her) is weaker acting-wise and makes the film a slightly more superficial affair, which is a pity. The guys were neutral for me, but they didn't mess anything up. I could easily handle watching it when it airs on TV. 3 stars.


Eorin euiroiin (2019) 

angielski I always feel like I have to defend high ratings somehow with these types of films, because you can't simply enjoy it. Again, I felt utterly desperate and disgusted during the viewing and had to pause it more than once. The fact that it left me in tears is probably pretty clear. Whether the ending satisfied me I can't say, but I am hoping for at least something like it for anyone who is or has been hurt. I hope I'll soon forget Seon Yoo's performance, because up until now I've enjoyed watching her quite a bit. Being involved in the filming of something like this must have been terribly difficult mentally, I salute everyone involved in this.


Arktyka (2018) 

angielski I didn't realize what I was getting myself into until the moment that endless white landscape spread out before me. This couldn't be more monotonous, I thought. But after a few minutes, when I was wondering whether this role of his was outright stupidity, Mads decided not to leave it at that and started fighting with the snow. And suddenly I forgot that there's nothing around, suddenly I was rooting for him and living through every move he made. I wouldn't take that on with an average actor. I'd do it again with Mads. A strong 3 stars.


Miłość i anarchia (2020) (serial) 

angielski Very refreshing stuff. Ida, who carries the entire series, is absolutely delectable in this role. I completely fell for her natural confidence, openness, and self-effacing way of being herself. I haven't felt such satisfaction watching an actor perform in a long time. Her younger partner strikes me as more of a model than an actor, but he certainly has the talent and was right for the part. Sweden, I want to see more of you.


Nie czas umierać (2021) 

angielski One thing is for sure, in a year we won't be seeing many filmed concerts like this one. A few hours after the premiere, I can still hear the reverberations in me, so I know something is very right here. Sufficiently Bond cool, sufficiently suspenseful, visually spectacular, and surprisingly still full of emotion. Plus, it beautifully delivers on the demands of the times without annoying the viewer.