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  • Sensacyjny
  • Horror
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  • Thriller

Najnowsze recenzje (2 543)


Sous la Seine (2024) 

angielski Oh so this is not going to rank with this year's New French Wave and there was a lot of faith in Xavier Gens, who could have saved the eco shark horror after a long time, but who hasn't come up with a quality genre film in years, and instead of a proper shark carnage, he made a sort of activist eco drama? WTF! I don't care that it's stupid and nothing makes sense, but the fact that the shark only appears properly after an hour and the whole time it's just bullshit activism, Gens shat his bed here. For an hour absolutely nothing happens, I don't understand the focus on the story, which nobody cares about anyway, the characters are completely useless, the whole thing takes itself too seriously, so it's unfortunately an incredible bore, which could have been saved by lightness and gore, but even that is lacking. The final 20 minutes didn't offend me, finally something starts to happen and finally the shark shows up, which is digital, but it's honestly the least of the problems here. Next time please another Frontier(s) instead of not these experiments. A big disappointment, but for the finale and the inoffensive underwater shots, at least two stars. 3/10.


Kolory zła: Czerwień (2024) 

angielski A bit of a disappointment for me, but that's due to the film's premise, which lured in a serial killer who cuts off women's lips, and I was expecting a gritty Hannibal-style murder mystery, and it really didn't. The murders are at most just talked about. I was expecting it gritty, unpleasant, raw and brutal and I found it very light even for the Poles. I didn't care for the final twist. I didn't enjoy it much, didn't like the style the film was going in and it has few attractive scenes. 55%


What You Wish For (2023) 

angielski A psychological, dense, disturbing conversational Thriller that came out of nowhere and is one of the nice surprises much like Last Stop in Yuma County. Unfortunately, I can't say too much about the film, as there's an interesting twist at the 20 minute mark that piles on more twists and turns, and it's a pleasure to see it turn into one of my favorite "horror" themes. I'll give a minor hint though, and it's a bit of a variation on the recent hit The Menu. The film mainly benefits from a mysterious and disturbing atmosphere, a decent script and an interesting location. The clever detective was excellent! It's a shame it doesn't escalate more at the end, as it was slightly encouraged to do so (if it had turned into a slasher, I might have considered the maximum rating). Of course, it's also a bit of a socially relevant satire. Don't find out anything and don't hesitate, it's good !!! 75%

Ostatnia ocena (6 164)

Tarot: Karta śmierci (2024)


Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)


Sous la Seine (2024)


What You Wish For (2023)


Kolory zła: Czerwień (2024)


Une affaire d'honneur (2023)


Furiosa: Saga Mad Max (2024)


Club Zero (2023)


Boy Kills World (2023)



Ostatni dzienniczek (34)

Breaking BAD/SAD News.

Rok 2024 teda nezačal nejlépe. Je tu konec jedné velké Éry. Z ničeho nic začal nečekaný boj mezi mnou a Goliášem a Goliáš vyhrál. To vyústilo k faktu, že se Facebook rozhodl odebrat naší milovanou hororovou stránku Horror N3rds, na které jsem pracoval s Rollmanem 10 let, dosáhla 11 tisíc fanoušků, byly tam roky dřiny i fanouškovského zápalu a troufám si říct, že patřila k nejlepším hororovým stránkám na celém Facebooku v ČR/SK ( Ikdyž jsem svým hodnocením občas některé štval :D   ), ale tomu je teď bohužel konec. Stál jsem si za názorem, že za to nikdy nechci žádné finanční ohodnocení ani placené reklamy, dělal jsem to pro sebe a pro lidi zdarma ve svém volném čase, ale ani to nestačí facebooku na slitování. Někdo z Lionsgate nás nahlásil za porušení autorských práv ( podotýkám, že šlo o trailer k filmu Boy Kills the World, který jsem nahrával tak půl roku zpět!! ( po menším investigativním pátrání jsem zjistil, že 3 dny zpátky k tomu filmu Lionsgate zakoupil práva a ten stejný den odebrali stránku. Náhoda? Osud?Karma? a facebook teda nekompromisně bez žádného slitování zakročil smrtící ranou. Jsem v šoku.  Zůstala už jen skupina Hororová komunita by EvilPhoEniX.