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Recenzje (3 475)


Tożsamość zdrajcy (2017) 

angielski A solid action thriller with an A-list cast. The excellent Noomi Rapace and Orlando Bloom pull the film to above average, but the ageing Michael Douglas and John Malkovich are also a delight. The action is properly fierce and uncompromising, the twists and turns are plentiful and a few are very unexpected, and the view of Prague at the end is a delight, so a clear four. I had fun. 75%


Ostra noc (2017) 

angielski I was expecting a dud, but what I got was a pretty funny comedy about crazy women, with an awesome Jillian Bell, Zoe Kravitz causing erections – her beauty overshadows Scarlett Johansson, who looks a bit bland. Although it's naive and offers nothing in terms of story, I laughed out loud a few times and still remember some of the lines, for which I give it a big thumbs up. 65%


Bodyguard Zawodowiec (2017) 

angielski An excellent action comedy that has all the necessary attributes to become a successful and quality film. The leading duo with the again diabolical Samuel L. Jackson and the Deadpool-like Ryan Reynolds are brilliant, but the villain Gary Oldman also excels, albeit with less space, but solid work nonetheless. As for the action, it's exactly the kind I like, that is to say, properly brutal, very clear, there's no shortage of fights and shootouts, and there are chases too, so in that respect you really can't complain at all, and on top of that there's plenty of it. When blood is not spurting or corpses are not falling, there’s space for the humour, which is properly foul and cheeky. It will not tear up your diaphragm, but you will have a smile on your face throughout the film. Story-wise, it's not downright bad either, so in the action-comedy rank for me a deserved number one this year. I had an incredibly good time. 90%


Ghost House (2017) 

angielski An average ghost story that drags in places, but it's okay to watch thanks to an interesting premise, a solid villain and a few scares that aren't among the worst. Visually it's also okay, so for die-hard fans fine, for me just average.55%


Marvel: The Defenders (2017) (serial) 

angielski I liked it. After Daredevil, the best thing in this universe. The eight episodes go by like water, I wasn't bored for a second, Daredevil and Jessica definitely rule, Iron Fist is annoying at times and Elektra is amazing. The fights aren't just in the dark this time, which I take as a plus, and the choreography is decent, certainly better than in the recent Iron Fist. There could have been a bit more action, but otherwise I have no complaints. Now we just have to wait for The Punisher. 80%.


Goon: Last of the Enforcers (2017) 

angielski A bit of a pointless film that doesn't really offer much from the first part. The fights are still okay and the final one is decently bloody, but otherwise I didn't enjoy it as much as I once did. 55%


Notatnik śmierci (2017) 

angielski A huge surprise for me, and Adam Wingard has made up for the miserable Blair Witch and is back to where I like him from the days of You're Next and The Guest. Death Note will surprise more people who are not familiar with Japanese anime and the three-part film, so I have almost no complaints. The idea is exploited enough and there is no shortage of deaths like in Final Destination, which warms the heart at least for a while before the 6th episode and the ladder scene, quite possibly the best gore scene of the year so far. The acting is surprisingly very decent, Willem Dafoe as Ryuk is properly mysterious, the main character is a bit awkward, his girl is an attractive bitch to a fault and the biggest star is young "Bourne" L (Keith Stanfield), who has another excellent role after Get Out, and all his dialogue was disturbing to the point of giving me chills. It's decently suspenseful, entertaining enough, nicely gory, pleasantly twisted towards the end and visually and musically captivating, so in this year's horror malaise, I'll take this as a great refresher. 8/10.


Siedem sióstr (2017) 

angielski Amazing thing and probably the surprise of the year! The trailer for What Happened to Monday didn't really grab me, but the film itself surprised me even more. Upon discovering that the film was directed by the director of the excellent Dead Snow 2 and Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters, I could already tell that this was going to be my cup of tea, and it was. At first I was worried that it was going to be a talky, futuristic, political drama, which incidentally has a perfect idea that could easily work in our world, but after half an hour the film turns into a very action packed and frantic ride. It’s basically a hunt on the sisters, all of whom are combat proficient and there is no shortage of rough contact fights with amazing cinematography and solid brutality. The pace of the film is very fast, it's entertaining enough, there are a few surprise twists, though the final one will be predictable to the more astute viewer, but I had the most fun I've had at home watching a film in a long time. I didn't expect it. And Noomi Rapace in apparently the role of a lifetime! 85%


Piekło (2017) 

angielski A solid serial killer thriller from Austria that has drive and juice. A big round of applause goes to the main character played Violetta Schurawlow, who gives an extraordinary performance and has admirable fighting skills. Throughout the film she is more or less chased by a stylish Muslim with murderous appetites, who is not stopped by anything – she witnessed the murder of her neighbour. It's got great pacing, some excellent scenes. There's some violence and a couple of times I screamed with glee from the suspense because at times my head didn't know what the main character was doing with the killer. The physical transformation of the two characters at the end is almost surreal. Pretty good. 80%


Čchaj tan čuan ťia (2017) 

angielski I like Herman Yau more in horror, but this time he tried an action movie, got a bigger budget and got a nod from Andy Lau, the only star in a film that I found very bland. The action consists only of gunfights that are hardly interesting at all, they lack blood, which puzzled me from a director who made his name with brutal films, I definitely wanted a fight and a more interesting story. OK for one viewing, but it didn't please me much. 60%