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Ulubione seriale (10)

Most nad Sundem

Most nad Sundem (2011)

An instant favorite. I like Nordic crime dramas, and The Bridge is the best of the best. The series has an excellent atmosphere, a well-written story, and suspense that just keeps building up. I consider Season 2 to be the weakest of the three, but still worth no less than five stars. I was very concerned about Kim Bodnia's departure, but Thure Lindhardt was able to fill his shoes and had great chemistry with Sofia Helin. I hope that the creators will get talked into making a fourth season. The best line of all three seasons: "Saga Noren, Malmö police"."

Zawód: Amerykanin

Zawód: Amerykanin (2013)

A spy series set in the cold war – right up my alley. Plus, it's very well-made and well-cast. I never claimed to be a pure soul or a defender of the light side, so I immediately took a liking to both protagonists. I found even Arkady more likable than Agent Frank Gaad most of the time. I guess it’s because the Soviets were explicitly evil, while the American fighters for democracy always played clean, with exceptions that occurred once, twice at most... But seriously, I think it was a win for the series that Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys hit it off in real life, the chemistry between them was amazing and contributed to a great overall atmosphere. At first, I found the character of Stan Beeman irritating, but Noah Emmerich gradually won me over and Season 6 wouldn’t have been half as good without him. Since I'm praising individual characters, I can't forget Alison Wright as Martha Hanson who was really excellent. Finally, a shout-out to the writers who maintained a high level of storytelling throughout the seventy-five episodes. I had a great time.

Latający Cyrk Monty Pythona

Latający Cyrk Monty Pythona (1969)

What to say about the Monty Python's Flying Circus sketches? Brilliant! Timeless! Incredibly funny! Unparalleled! I don't think anyone's ever come up with anything better. Granted, the last season wasn't as good as the previous three but considering that the series was made between 1969 and 1974 and it has been making me laugh out loud for almost thirty years, that's really saying something. The Pythons' humor is incredibly timeless and the lines from some of the sketches are perfectly applicable to everyday life. But now for something completely different...

Kompania braci

Kompania braci (2001)

Probably the best war series or film I've ever seen. Except for minor details, it has absolutely realistic combat scenes, weaponry and equipment, a well-written script, and well-cast characters. I would never have expected to see anything like this made by the Americans. They never seem to bother with historical accuracy of combat equipment. Those who've seen Battle of the Bulge know what I'm talking about. Their strategy is the following: a tank’s a tank, and as long as it has tracks, who can tell the difference? This series shows that with a little effort they can achieve greatness. Plus, the show doesn’t just focus on combat action, it also portrays the characters very well, which makes it even better and more interesting. The only disappointment came when the final episode was over.


Besa (2018)

I'm not a fan of organized or disorganized crime, but oddly enough, I do enjoy movies and shows with this theme. I mean, if they are good. And the first season of Besa certainly is. As I've already made clear in the reviews for each episode, I enjoyed the atmosphere, the suspense, the focus on the psychology of the characters, the precision of the action scenes, and the individual gritty fates. What also makes this a great show for me was the fact that the Serbs couldn’t care less about idiotic political correctness (which often doesn’t make any sense to me), so everything felt genuine and sincere.

Viva La Dirt League

Viva La Dirt League (2011)

Of all the funny content that can be found on YouTube, these minimalist episodes of a group of guys analyzing the peculiar logic of online games are my favorite. It's simply because I have been encountering similar characters in various gaming worlds for over a decade, so this often makes me laugh out loud. On the other hand, I suspect that a viewer unfamiliar with the issue may not see the appeal. Personally, I find the execution of some scenes almost brilliant :-) Oh, and Britt Scott Clark also appears in it. / Lesson learned: Even a garlic grower and seller can yearn for adventure.

Mad Men

Mad Men (2007)

The best series with a retro vibe that I've seen so far, although I do think that it may cause heart attacks among militant feminists and the anti-smoking and anti-drinking league. It's really interesting to see where some boundaries have shifted in fifty years. If I were an average American today, I'd probably need to see my therapist straight away. Being an average European, I enjoyed the series and had a great time.

The Offer

The Offer (2022)

My episode-by-episode breakdown makes it pretty clear that this series totally knocked my socks off. You might question what's so mind-blowing about a show centered on the creation of a movie so well-known that the outcome is a done deal. Well, consider me pleasantly surprised. Huge props to the creators — they had me hooked, always on the edge of my seat. I soaked in the amazingly crafted atmosphere and top-notch performances. This masterpiece deserves all the recognition it can get. The writing, direction, and acting were spot-on. The casting, especially, deserves a standing ovation — I was completely taken in by the young versions of those acting icons. And before I wrap this up, Colin Hanks once again showcased why I prefer him over his old man. / Lesson learned: Even when the odds are stacked against you, push through.


Sukcesja (2018)

I can't help but love a show that keeps me hooked for four seasons, despite feeling like wading through a swamp of mud, slaughterhouse remnants, and corrosive waste, without veering into unnecessary sentimentality or melodrama. It was the kind of show that had me torn between disgust and perverted joy. Even though there were moments when my brain felt like it was about to throw up, perverted joy still won. Despite the flawed and complex nature of the characters, I never found a favorite among them throughout the entire series. However, that didn't stop me from thoroughly enjoying the tumultuous lives of the dysfunctional Roy family. / Lesson learned: I wonder how people who lose their jobs and are left with only a few billion dollars in their pockets manage to get by.

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