Ruta del Che

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Niemcy / Boliwia, 2009, 46 min


In November 1966 Ernesto Che Guevara headed for Bolivia with a handful of guerrilla fighters. His idealistic and overambitious plan was to spark a revolution that would engulf the whole of Latin America. The adventure was to go down in history as the last great fight of El Che. In October 1967 Guevara was captured by the military and he was executed shortly thereafter. These days the guerrillas’ route through the jungle, the Ruta del Che, has become a pilgrimage trail. The German-Bolivian Klaus Schütt believes that the development of a tourist industry here could offer a route out of poverty for the local population. His idea doesn’t inspire much enthusiasm. In discussions with villagers, contemporary witnesses, and the proud owners of quaint Che relics a deep ambivalence towards Guevara – somewhere between disdain and adoration – emerges. A compelling picture of Bolivia and its people, this lively road movie offers something for everyone, not just for the devoted followers of the Commandante. (DOK.fest München)

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