
This absurd story, bordering on the drawing-room comedy, portrays the practices of abusing power and the insolence of bureaucracy through the revolting of a young designer-engineer of the Railway Tilting Examination Board. The ambitious Pócsik works persevearingly on how to compensate for the tilting of railway carriages in bends. His jealous bosses, however, use their best efforts to block the development of an innovation. When even his study-trip to Britain is torpedoed, the so far exceedingly patient young giant decides to let his red beard grow glowing-blowing. He argues for the adequacy of his looks by referring to the example of many a great men of Hungarian history. The issue of his beard is soon a matter of discussion in ministries and later at a court of law. At the hearing, the corrupt and bureaucratic attitude of leaders is revealed. Pócsik's long lost love, Keksz turns up as one of the witnesses to the case. He forgives everybody, and has his beard cut off at the first imploring words of his beloved. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)



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