Sof Ha'Olam Smola

  • Izrael סוף העולם שמאלה (więcej)


The year is 1969. Into a small town in the Israeli desert, inhabited mostly by Moroccan immigrants, come a few Indian families – who have immigrated to Israel seeking a better life in the West. Not only do the Indians end up in a place distant from the mythical “West” – they also find themselves embroiled in a culture war with the Moroccans.The passionate and temperamental Moroccans – who consider themselves “French” – look down on the dark skinned Indians. The reserved and quiet Indians, who consider themselves “British” – think of the Moroccans as uncouth ruffians.
In order to assert their imperial identity, the Indians put together a rag tag cricket team. The Moroccans, who take the game as a ritualistic act of condensation, do their utmost to disrupt. The desperate Indians beg the British consulate for used equipment. The British, surprised that anyone shows interest in “their” game at this secluded part of the world, send equipment, and, as a post-colonial good will gesture, also dispatch a British team to play a friendly match against the town’s squad. Though completely unfamiliar with the rules of the game, Moroccans join the effort to put the town on the map. Much hilarity ensues as old enemies cross cultural mine fields and two teenage girls, a Moroccan and an Indian, discover the sexual revolution of the Sixties. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)


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