
Vörös Hajnal (Red Dawn), a co-operative is the venue of skylarking, while the storm destroys the wheat which is to be harvested soon. Árendás, a middle-peasant, voices severe accusations against members of the co-operative: out of negligence, they failed to keep the ditches clean. It is always the soft option they seem to favour, while the necessity of properly taking care of the farmlands is long-forgotten. Members of the co-operative and the village people are deeply divided. Pörnicze, leader of the co-operative, along his brother-in-law, a former kulak, is busy trying to persuade the village folks into being part of an insurance fraud, while Göndöcs, the local communist party secretary, is one to stand up for decent work, not least because he tries to win over Árendás and people like him. The leader of the machine depot helps reveal the plans of the plotters, while Gilicze's exemplary behaviour helps people in the village to get back on the right track. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)


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