Wizje Europy

  • Austria Visions of Europe (więcej)
wszystkie plakaty
Cykl / Dramat
Austria / Belgia / Cypr / Czechy / Dania / Estonia / Finlandia / Francja / Niemcy / Grecja / Węgry / Irlandia / Włochy / Łotwa / Litwa / Luksemburg / Malta / Holandia / Polska / Portugalia / Słowacja / Słowenia / Hiszpania / Szwecja / Wielka Brytania, 2004, 139 min
(inne zawody)


The idea: Twenty-five countries, twenty-five visions from respected film directors from each of the respective countries that form the enlarged European Community. Each director was asked to give a personal vision of current or future life in this coming cultural melting pot. The hope was to have a powerful manifestation of the cultural diversity of Europe as opposed to the idea of globalisation and conformity. The ambition was also to celebrate the artistic freedom and freedom of expression as these should be the key values of the European community. (Nederlands Film Festival)



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maxi6 DVD