
Grudzień 1944: Wojna totalna zamienia się w totalną klęskę. Mimo to Goebbels się nie poddaje. Noworoczne przemówienie Führera ma na nowo poderwać masy do boju. Jest jednak zasadniczy problem: Führerowi brakuje sił. Schorowany, pogrążony w depresji, unika publicznych wystąpień. W tej sytuacji pomóc może tylko jedna osoba: jego były nauczyciel aktorstwa, Adolf Grünbaum, Żyd. Goebbels nakazuje przewieźć jego wraz z rodziną z obozu koncentracyjnego w Sachsenhausen do Kancelarii Rzeszy. Zaczyna się wyścig z czasem, w ciągu pięciu dni Führer ma odzyskać swoją dawną formę... (Monolith)


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angielski Although I didn't think I'd ever do it, I'm just going to comment on this film and not rate it. For now. I've never seen a more contradictory film. Judging by the trailer, one would expect a goofy comedy that is all about showing the Führer in the most ridiculous positions: In a tracksuit during warm-ups, in the bath with a model of a warship, during sex, with an awkwardly shaved half of a moustache. But would be a mistake. My Führer (blah, blah, blah) tries to be sort of satirical, which is hard to describe in any way. The screenwriters have made Hitler into a fairly friendly, almost pitiful guy, who has only minor mental problems stemming from a childhood block when he was unfairly humiliated by his father, and who would like to get into his mental state so that he can make a public appearance on New Year's Eve. What am I to think about that? For my part, it would be a clear waste for an incredible distortion of history, for unprecedented audacity and for humanizing one of the greatest monsters of world history, an act very closely bordering on the simplest promotion of Nazism. But... It would seem unfair to a film that actually didn't bore me for even a second, sometimes with some pretty cynical dialogue (Himmler to Goebbels: "We need a Jew? I think you should switch with me.") and various bits and pieces, such as officers unable to pronounce the ranks of others correctly, and at the somewhat melancholy end actually got me thinking. It's hard to judge this work. It's best if everyone makes up their own minds about it. ()

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