
David Kern is the perfect waiter, since he stays in the background and never attracts attention. Therefore it's not surprising that the attractive literature student Marie hardly takes note of him when she and her clique come to the "Café Esquina" to talk about literature. The shy young waiter is hopelessly in love with Marie and wants to win her heart at any cost. Then luck comes to his aid. At a flea market, David buys a bedside table and discovers in the drawer a manuscript entitled "Sophie, Sophie". This story of a hopeless love affair gives him an idea. If the novel moves him so much, then it should also move Marie. Pretending the manuscript is his, he gives it to her to read and asks her for her professional opinion. A little lie with fateful consequences ... Marie is thrilled with the story and immediately falls in love with the apparently talented and sensitive David. The two become a couple, but what David doesn't know is that Marie has secretly sent the manuscript to a publisher, who promptly wants to print it. Before he even realizes it, David has become the shooting star of the literary scene. His first work, now called "Lila, Lila", is celebrated as the end of the post-modern literary era – yet David has no idea what they are talking about. Disaster looms when Jacky, a seedy-looking man, shows up at an autograph session claiming to be the real author of "Lila, Lila" ... (Berlinale)

