Lucie et maintenant - Journal nomade


In May 1982, two writers, Argentinian Julio Cortázar and his Canadian partner Carol Dunlop embarked on a journey from Paris to Marseille in a VW bus. This was no usual trip though as the couple set themselves the following unconventional rules – they were not allowed to leave the motorway and had to stop at every service station along the way, spending the night at every second one. It was to be their last journey together as they were both terminally ill. So they set out to relish every last detail, to savour every sight, smell and sound along the way. It was a voyage that would normally have taken 7 hours, but lasted 33 days. 25 years later another couple, Océane Madelaine and Jocelyn Bonnerave, set out to repeat Cortázar and Dunlop’s experiment. Would they stick to the rules and what would this trip mean to them? In poetic images Lucie et maintenant tells the story of a remarkable odyssey that speaks of love and companionship, of life and death. (DOK.fest München)
