
Zwiastun 1


Jest rok 117 naszej ery. Legiony Cesarstwa Rzymskiego mieczem i krwią budują chwałę Imperium. Pod ich panowaniem znajduje się ogromna część Europy. Także Brytania uległa rzymskim wojownikom. Jednak jej północne rubieże pozostają pod władaniem lokalnych plemion, które dają najeźdźcy krwawy opór. Niezależność ziem leżących na północ od Muru Hadriana jest solą w oku władz Imperium. Powtarzające się śmiałe ataki na rzymskie forty drażnią dumę rzymskich dowódców i wyczerpują ich cierpliwość. IX Legion pod wodzą nieustraszonego generała Virilusa otrzymuje rozkaz przekroczenia Muru i rozniesienia na ostrzach mieczy wszystkich, którzy nie godzą się z nową władzą. Jednak nikt nie wie, co czeka po drugiej stronie. Wkrótce rzeczywistość okaże się okrutniejsza niż najczarniejsze proroctwa. (Monolith)


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Zwiastun 1

Recenzje (8)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Centurion is definitely not a realistic historical drama from the ancient history of building the Roman Empire, but a historicizing fantasy, which takes from real history only what it deems suitable as a starting point for an adventure story. The whole film stays afloat with raw action, albeit being sometimes straightforward and cheaply bloody. There are definitely more blood spatters than would be possible in reality, and the director utilizes contemporary digital technology, so severed limbs fly in all directions and the viewer can also enjoy disgustingly bloody details. The story itself is not complicated, but in terms of action films, the cast is highly above standard, because everyone involved can act and, speaking about the male part of the ensemble, they also have charisma. The female participation in the war campaign somewhat resembles a caricatured Xena, because a barbarian warrior with half a kilogram of makeup, whose eyes drown under such a dose of eyeshadow that even Queen Cleopatra would surely envy her, does not exactly inspire trust in historical fantasy. Not to mention the fact that the participating girls, despite their diligent battle cries and fierce grimaces, come across more like they just stepped out of a fashion show. Overall impression: 55%. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Centurion is a historical adventure-hunt movie. Congratulations to Neil Marshall for working himself up to be a director of actors such as Fassbender, West, Cunningham and Morrissey. All of them, together with the fantastic natural scenery, help make the movie fun and engaging. This film is not bloody and brutal just to shock the audience; rather, it is realistic and its violence fits into the concept of a harsh drama in which the likable main characters are hunted in the wild by the bloodthirsty Lady Vengeance hitchhiker. Her anger and cruelty are justified and therefore her character does not inspire disgust and hatred in the viewer, but fear and respect. Less realistic is the make-up and blow-dried hairstyle of the beautiful wild woman living alone by a river in which she catches a fish breakfast with her bare hands – but still we are grateful for a bit of tenderness in the gray world of hopelessness. If the ending had been more confrontational, I would have considered giving this film four stars. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Objectively, this is probably Marshall's weakest film, but in the "bloody historical carnage" category it's still a strong above-average film. It rests mainly on the director's sense of maximum blood (never mind that it splashes digitally) and charismatic actors. For an hour and a half where nothing actually happens, the film is fully immersive and makes you feel that sometimes there is real beauty in simplicity. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski If only “Bran Mak Morn" were a little like this. Raw, warrior cut and thrust. Marshall has some shortcomings and mainly he should learn how to edit, and the scene changes aren’t always completely kosher, but nevertheless paint a wonderful atmosphere full of war and blood. The cast is remarkable. Excellent, fair Michael Fassbender is balanced by the dumb savage with the devilish face of Olga Kurylenko. And I liked Dominic West, even though he wasn’t given much time to warm up. And not forgetting Eskheri’s music, which was A-grade. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski I’m sorry to say that this has been the most boring Marshall. If I were to judge it somehow objectively, I would go no further than seven out of ten points, but with my ugly relationship with historical films (accurate or otherwise), I can’t go over 50%. Centurion is as silly as Doomsday, but to its own misfortune, it takes itself very seriously. The action scenes are unreadable, put together with lots close-ups of chopped, flying or falling human body parts, without any overall view of the battlefield. This year’s winner in the competition of badass historical films is hands down Valhalla Rising. ()

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