Curibaka nišši 18

  • Japonia 釣りバカ日誌18 ハマちゃんスーさん瀬戸の約束 (więcej)


Su-san has put in the hard yards as president of the Suzuki Construction Company, and he has now been appointed its chairman. Su-san went missing sometime during his daily morning walk one day. Hama-chan fakes an illness in order to be absent from work and heads to Okayama, where the town residents, mainly the young folk have formed a anti-development group to protest the project which they believe will destroy their beautiful coastal waters. Hama-chan soon finds Su-san, and they got surprised to learn that the overall contractor for the project is none other than their own company, Suzuki Construction. Su-san gives Hama-chan a confidential mission to save the beautiful natural coastline that helped to heal his exhausted heart and saved him from a late-life crisis… (Shochiku)


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