Drakula: Książę ciemności

  • Wielka Brytania Dracula: Prince of Darkness


Przenosimy się do 1895 roku. Pokonany przez odwiecznego wroga, doktora Van Helsinga, hrabia Drakula zostaje wskrzeszony przez swoich zwolenników. O głodzie krwi wampira przekonają się okoliczni turyści… (FlixClassic)

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angielski Despite some positives, I don't feel that the horror movie "Dracula: Prince of Darkness" significantly deviates. Within the Dracula mythology, it is a relatively normal film that doesn't bring any radically new perspective, but rather deals with the fact that there is a vampire who should be defeated, or there is also a female vampire who needs to be put to rest. It's a pity, there could be possibly more to extract from it. On the other hand, compared to contemporary Dracula movies, it is still good. ()

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