Hiljaa toivotut

  • angielski Silent Longing
Finlandia, 2011, 75 min


Silent Longing is a story about two childless couples who use infertility treatments to have biological children of their own. The film shows an emotional journey of a man and a woman when they go through endless infertility treatments, dividing their life between home and the infertility clinic. It tells how the woman´s hormones take control not only of her own life, but also her man´s. Uncertainty about the future and the infertility treatments with their side effects challenge the relationship. It is difficult to approach other people and talk the about the situation. The idea of one´s own child turns into a silent longing with no certainty of fulfillment. Silent Longing tells how involuntary childlessness can hurt deeply. Childlessness forces the characters to make difficult decisions and think about their lives, its meaningfulness and about the future – with or without a child. Childlessness remains with them even after their child is born, as nothing can erase their experiences of infertility. It also forces them to confront the thoughtlessness of other people and life in a child-centered society. (Finnkino)
