Bienvenue dans le nanomonde

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Welcome to the Nanoworld is the title of a French documentary series that reveals a world normally inaccessible to our sight. After all, how could a world that exists on the scale of a billionth of a metre be visible to the naked eye? It is a scale so small that it follows different rules; specifically those of quantum physics. Part one From Micro to Nano proves that the micro world belongs to the 20th century, while the following century is characterized by the prefix “nano“. Today nanoscience ranks among the most progressive fields. Therefore it is not surprising that billions of dollars are invested in research. To learn about the functioning and history of the nano world, one must look in on the world of the leading scientists in the field of nanoscience, many of whom have received the Nobel Prize for their efforts. The documentary presents their findings in a way which is comprehensible even to laymen. It all started with the microscope, which could not only visualize but also move atoms. At present we are held back by our technological limitations; producing a sheet of paper atom by atom would take 13 billion years. However, current progress suggests that the idea of creating objects by means of nanotechnologies is not a product of scientific imagination but rather a question of time. (Academia Film Olomouc)

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