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Osadzony w obozie jenieckim Lomax (Firth) jest zmuszany do wycieńczającej pracy przy budowie osławionej birmańskiej Kolei Śmierci. Ceną za jej powstanie jest życie dziesiątek tysięcy jeńców i ludności cywilnej. Jako specjalista od łączności, Lomax konstruuje radio, które ma być źródłem informacji o wydarzeniach na froncie. Odnalezione przez strażników, staje się przyczyną brutalnych przesłuchań, podczas których oficer ociera się o śmierć. Lata później Lomax wyrusza na poszukiwanie swojego japońskiego oprawcy. Ma nadzieję, że konfrontacja z dawnym wrogiem pozwoli mu rozliczyć się z przeszłością i zamknąć raz na zawsze ten wstrząsający rozdział życia. (Monolith)


Recenzje (3)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski It's a pity that the newcomer Jonathan Teplitzky had to learn how to make films on such an interesting topic as WW2. The cast is more than impressive, but the plot is hardly developing and the emotions somehow fail to appear. It takes some time before you start rooting for the refined, low-spoken, elegant and intellectual Colin Firth. There are plenty of things to work with, but they remain unused. The Railway Man wanted to approach Cold Mountain, and others with its form and emotional fatefulness, and failed. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A very interesting film about the complicated beginning of the British-Japanese friendship. The film’s assets include a strong theme and a good cast. The writing, on the other hand, left a lot to be desired. The theme had a lot more potential, but I still think it is a film worth watching, and I appreciate that the filmmakers didn’t get carried away and turn the film into another Saw sequel. I also liked the smooth transitions between the past and present and the fact that the film focused on the psychological effects of the war rather than the war itself like The Great Raid. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski A film about how difficult it is to come to terms with war. I understand such films, even though I wouldn't need to come to terms with war myself because I would most likely fall very soon due to my incompetence, but in this case, it seems overly dramatic and sometimes purposeless to me. It can be seen that the creators rely on the book, but that's the only thing. It is not well-directed, it is too slow, and even though Colin Firth is great because he can't act otherwise, I still couldn't identify with his hero. ()