VOD (1)


Pryncypialny kapitan Ray Holt przejmuje dowództwo posterunku policji. Jego podwładnymi zostają utalentowany, ale beztroski Jake Peralta; Amy Santiago, jego entuzjastyczna partnerka; Rosa Diaz, tajemnicza i opanowana; Charles Boyle, zakochany do szaleństwa w Diaz, Terry Jeffords, rozsądny, lecz niestabilny emocjonalnie lider zespołu oraz Gina Linetti, złośliwa administratorka. (FOX)


Recenzje (1)


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika (do tego serialu)

angielski In the introductory episode of the first season, I didn't break my jaw, but I laughed more often than I expected. I thought it would be much weaker humor, which often borders on awkwardness. There were a few rough moments, but most of the time I was satisfied, and when the sergeant introduced Holt to the individual detectives, I was thrilled. / "Go on the internet and enter the following sentence in the search engine: 'I want to buy two movie tickets for a girl who doesn't like me.' " "Great!" ()

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