Supersankarin tytär

(film studencki)
  • angielski Super Hero's daughter
wszystkie plakaty
? %
Krótkometrażowy / Dokumentalny
Finlandia, 2013, 12 min


Sara Aaltonen


Sara Aaltonen


Tuomas Jaakkola


Joni Rajainmaa


Sara Aaltonen
(inne zawody)


Sara was only a baby when her father decided to pursue a career as a narcotics detective. The unit he wanted to work in did not accept family men as employees because of its highly dangerous tasks. So Sara's father left his family – never once looking back. Now Sara is about to turn twenty and wants to contact her father, who she has always fanaticized as a superhero. Superhero's Daughter follows her courageous journey while animating Sara's unlikely thoughts about her life without a father. Now Sara is turning 20 and wants to contact her father. "I've never been bitter toward, or angry at him", says Sara. "I've always considered him to be some sort of superhero". Superhero's Daughter is a documentary film about Sara's courageous journey to find her father. Sara contacts grandparents to try to get her father's contact information. Their conflicting stories result in the image of her superhero father fading into a more realistic figure. The film also consists of Sara's voice over as she reveals her thoughts about her life without a father. What is it like to grow into a woman without a father figure? Sara reflects on her childhood and own relationship to her boyfriend. Perhaps the most interesting is how Sara tells where the film's name comes from: Sara's innocent, yet bizarre way of seeing her father as an admirable figure, a superhero. Superhero's daughter is not just a story about father-daughter relationships nor the search for one's father: It is also a coming-of-age story. Sara must mature emotionally and accept the facts surrounding her life. Yet inside her, the innocent hope of a child remains. (oficjalny tekst dystrybutora)

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