Woody AllenZdjęcia:
Carlo Di PalmaObsada:
Woody Allen, Diane Keaton, Lynn Cohen, Ron Rifkin, Alan Alda, Anjelica Huston, Zach Braff, Aida Turturro, Jerry Adler, Wendell Pierce, Ira Wheeler (więcej)VOD (1)
Larry i jego żona Carol mieszkają w Nowym Jorku na Manhattanie. Pewnego dnia spotykają swych sąsiadów - sympatyczne starsze małżeństwo. Paul i Lillian zapraszają ich na kawę. Następnego dnia dowiadują się, że sąsiadka nie żyje. Jej mąż Paul nie wygląda na załamanego. Jest podekscytowany i dziwnie ożywiony. Carol zaczyna podejrzewać, że starszy pan uśmiercił swoją małżonkę. Postanawia przeprowadzić prywatne śledztwo w sprawie zabójstwa, choć Larry jest przekonany o niewinności spokojnego sąsiada. (CBS Europa)
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Recenzje (4)
It's definitely not Woody Allen film that arouses my interest. The story itself isn't bad, the plot has some pretty good, almost unexpected developments, but the Allen-esque style suddenly didn't quite fit anymore. I found Allen's character there almost unnecessary and boringly Allen-esque. But these are purely my subjective feelings that spoiled my viewing experience. ()
My favorite Allen movie of all. Three times cleverer than Einstein after reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, five times more efficient than the most productive Communist worker exceeding his quotas, ten times funnier than any number of the most humorous embarrassing moments in your life and a hundred times more thought through than the most dastardly of Baldrick’s plans. It’s just my darling. ()
My first Woody Allen movie. I remember this old evening TV feature with a smile and nostalgia because I had no idea who that scruffy and determined scatterbrain was, but I let myself be drawn into the comedy mixed with cautious mystery. And because the jokes, neuroses, Diane Keaton, and everything else worked, I soon gave Master Allen another try. And yet I never thought, even by mistake, that I would see forty of his films and he would become my creative idol. ()
Unlike many of my fellow users, this film won't become a favorite of mine, or my favorite Woody Allen film, but that doesn't mean it isn't great. The suspense and humor are in perfect proportion, and when the foursome of Allen, Keaton, Alda, and Huston start solving a murder, it's a spectacle I would perhaps kill for. "Exercising changed my life." – "I prefer to atrophy." ()