Karenina & I

Norwegia, 2017, 85 min


"Everything I know, I know because I love." The voice of Liam Neeson as Leo Tolstoy guides us through the film KARENINA & I, where we follow Norwegian actress Gørild Mauseth as she challenges herself to play the character Anna Karenina in Russian - a language she doesn't speak - in the author's home country. Her aspiration to understand Russian culture and the thematic depth of the novel takes her on an 11,000 km journey on the Trans-Siberian Railway, ending at the Gorky Drama Theatre in Vladivostok where she will play the lead role.

Gradually, the adventure evolves into an inner journey for Mauseth who deeply yearns to understand Anna's motivations and dreams. The crossover between fiction and reality and between film, theatre and literature creates a surreal and dreamlike documentary about identity, faith, the ability to love and the courage to throw oneself into immense projects – no matter how impossible they first appear. (Tromsø International Film Festival)
