The End of Meat - Eine Welt ohne Fleisch

  • angielski The End of Meat (tytuł festiwalowy)


Although evidence of meat consumption's negative impact on the planet and on human health continues to mount as animal welfare is on the decline, humanity's love affair with hamburgers, steaks, nuggets and chops just doesn’t end. In Germany, home of bratwurst and schnitzel, meat is an integral part of the diet--that is, until a few years ago, when perceptions somewhat evolved. Health concerns and meat scandals led to a public debate about the ethical implications of meat consumption and the rise of plant-based diets. Meat producers launched their own vegan products; 100% vegan supermarkets opened; and almost every food manufacturer was adding and labeling vegan options. Is this the beginning of the end of meat? Are we approaching a turning point in the human-animal relationship? (Santa Barbara International Film Festival)
