Anjeli v pekle - misia Krčméry

  • Słowacja Anjeli v pekle (więcej)
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Documentary serie „Angels in the hell" shows us complicated life and work conditions of Slovak humanitarian workers in developing countries. Public has only limited amount of information about what these people struggle with every day. Daria, for example, has built a boarding school for homeless kids in Nairobi when she was 28. Four of six episodes, which have been prepared for 2 years will be shown during the festival. These series have 4 heroes. There is Daria, who was mentioned before, Kristína starting her first mission in Kenya, Juraj who´s inspecting his own Cambodian projects and Lenka, former lawyer who quited her job to volunteer in India. These four modern heroes are challenged by their surroundings and circumstances and it´s interesting to watch them how they´re able to manage it. (Jeden svet)


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