Obléhání města

  • Słowacja Obliehanie mesta (więcej)
wszystkie plakaty
Czechy / Słowacja, 2019, 69 min


In the Middle Ages, Kremnica supplied the whole of Europe with gold. It was a rich city that had been besieged several times, but never fell. In the 21st century, the town is again fighting for the return of lost glory. It turns out that it's possible to get rich here even today. But there is only gold dust, the mining of which would mean the devastation of the surrounding countryside and nature. A group of local activists launches a fight against the national and multinational companies. And they are not afraid to enter high politics either. They fight for the precious sundew Drosera rotundifolia, for salamanders, but above all for their home. But they are up against companies backed by officials, politicians and a sophisticated PR machine. (One World)



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