Survival Skills



Will an overzealous rookie survive his training? In this superbly crafted satire of police training videos of the 80s, Jim is a robotic, wooden, yet eager (at first) rookie cop. The “narrator” must teach Jim the ropes and make him a true peace officer. But it isn’t easy. Jim’s not an easy teach. The narrator’s extremely calm and matter-of-fact demeanor is rattled when his rookie begins to disobey orders. Oops! Does Jim have what it takes to obey, to fulfill, and to live the life of a real-life cop? This dark comedy is a combination of Pleasantville and the Purple Rose of Cairo. Will Jim go too far to protect the citizens in his care? Or will he become a victim of the survival solutions video designed to protect him? The suspense will keep you hanging to the very end and split your sides in the process. (Cinequest Festival)
