Caren Pistorius

Caren Pistorius

ur. 30.09.1990 (33 lata)
Rustenburg, Południowa Afryka


South African-born Caren Pistorius moved to New Zealand with her family at age 12. She discovered her passion for acting in a school drama class and later studied art and design before returning to local theatre. She was making a career in Australia with roles in TV dramas Offspring, playing Eloise Ward; Redfern Now (Janine Myles) and Paper Giants: Magazine Wars (Beth).

Her New Zealand work includes the role of Chloe in Kirsten Marcon's feature The Most Fun You Can Have Dying, the role of Rose in TV3 drama series The Blue Rose and Luna in The Legend of the Seeker, produced in New Zealand by Ghost House Pictures for ABC Studios, US. She also completed filming Derek Cianfrance's The Light Between Oceans.

Tribeca Film
