Oliver Sertić

Oliver Sertić

ur. 04.07.1979 (44 lata)
Slavonska Požega, Chorvatsko, Jugosławia


Oliver Sertić is a producer from Zagreb. He has published and edited for the press, web, radio and TV.

In 2007 he founded RESTART where he works as a programming editor of Dokukino and distribution department and one of tutors at School of documentary film. Since 2003 he's been organizing and tutoring different video and documentary workshops in the region.

He has produced around 30 documentary films (both shorts and features) which have been screened at more than 200 festivals worldwide and awarded more than 60 times. Oliver has cooperated and continues to cooperate with numerous film festivals as a PR, programmer, producer and advisor.

He is the director and selector of Liburnia Film Festival, also, the associate programmer of the Human Rights Film Festival. He is the co-founder of the Amateur Film Review – RAF and the Autonomous cultural centre – Attack!

MFF Karlovy Vary
