Tatiana Astengo

Tatiana Astengo

ur. 07.06.1967 (56 lat)


She is a singer, a television presenter and above all an actress. She has a broad artistic training, her higher education including: Film Directing and Performing Art with Peter Foster; a Clown workshop with July Natters; a Stage Directing workshop with Jorge Guerra from Drama department of the New World School of the Arts in USA; several courses on voice projection and singing; dramatic arts, modern dance and self expression through movement. As a singer she took part in a staging of Carmina Burana produced by the University of Lima with the National Philarmonic directed by Joaquín Vargas and she has also been the soloist of several rock and blues bands such as Candela and Tempus. In television, she has act as a presenter but also as an actress, dancer and singer. She has worked for various television channels and programmes in her country, among which we could mention the comic programme Las Mil y una de Carlos Álvarez or the entertainment programme Sin vergüenza. But her main activity is as an actress, which she has carried out mainly on the stage, soap operas and television films, besides several works for the big screen. In the field of soap operas, she has performed numerous roles in almost ten productions, some of them premiered in Spain with a great success such as Luz María produced by América Producciones. On the stage, we could mention Monstruos del Parque, A Chorus Line or Clase maestra con María Callas. She made her film debut in Francisco Lombardi’s film Pantaleón y las visitadoras (2000), a director with whom she has acted in other two films. Her performance in Álvaro Velarde’s film El destino no tiene favoritos won her the prize to the best actress at the VII Festival Latinoamericano de Cine in Lima. That same year she took part in the film Palomas de papel by Fabricio Aguilar, which was the candidate selected by Peru to opt for the Academy Award (Oscar) to the best film in a foreign language.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca
