Dev Agarwal

Dev Agarwal


Dev Agarwal's passion to capture the fleeting moments and its beauty was seeded early when he was in school. He went on to complete his photography course from Society of Photographers, Kolkata in 2001. He then graduated with B.A in Mass Communication and Film Studies from St Xavier's College, Kolkata and has done Post Graduate Diploma in Cinematography from the Film & Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune. Now Mumbai is the city where he lives and work as a freelance Director/Cinematographer. He has worked with eminent Indian as well as International Artists and Theatre Directors. As a Cinematographer he has shot Feature films, documentaries, short fictions and corporate films. He has shot with Discovery channel for a Travel & Living show filmed in different countries of South-East Asia. His other work includes corporate films for Reliance, Glenmark, Borosil, Faces, VLCC, Camlin etc. He is also the Creative Head at Purple Haze Films, Mumbai. As a cinematographer he has shot an International Feature Film 'INVASION 1897' in West Africa and recently his new film "CITYLIGHTS" got released in India. He has also directed non-fiction film titled "UNHEARD VOICES and notes to myself" and "Light from many Lamps... Beyond the last Rainbow".

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