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Recenzje (2 984)


Henjelgwa geuretel (2007) 

angielski A fairytale horror for young adults, fairytale horror for adults or a family picture about a band of orphans and the magic of Christmas? I don’t know, there’s a bit of everything in there. And, apart from the markedly better first half, I don’t have much to fault. It’s enough when I remember that impenetrable forest (I can’t think of a movie with a more powerful forest atmosphere) and straight away I feel like setting off into the mountains to find my own “Gingerbread House".


Towarzysze broni (1937) 

angielski A powerful thought, especially at the time it was made. But for my taste it is served up too superficially and some scenes are laughably blatant (now something for the really dumb ones, or remember the ruminations while feeding the cow). Which I wouldn’t mind so much, if only it had been as much fun as at the beginning. But this isn’t as light-hearted as Stalag 17 so it would work as a comedy, but at the same time this lacks any drama. There’s no suspense, no fear for the characters, simply nothing. They all just spout didactic wisdom about the importance of understanding each other, regardless of language, nation, race, club membership and god knows what else. In view of the fact that despite the timelessness of the central thought, this is still an escape movie, that’s risky. Way too risky.


L’Homme qui aimait les femmes (1977) 

angielski It’s almost unbelievable that a movie with so many beautiful ladies could be so mundane. On the other hand Denner plays his nonchalant playboy with such verve that even the staunchest feminist would succumb to him in an instant. But still I got the impression that rather than Truffaut’s love for women, his passion for books shone out of this. P.S.: Otherwise it’s quite a faithful adaptation of Pshimi’s reviews reflecting his own antics. I could really see that big-eared Bohemian in it.


Przygody Picassa (1978) 

angielski It's crap to the nth degree, oscillating from brilliant scenes to the most unworthy bollocks. Often there really is something to laugh about, but the very next event usually quickly erases that smile from your lips with its unbelievable awkwardness.


Godzina wilka (1968) 

angielski Horror! And more psycho than Psycho itself. Ullmann and Sydow excel in front of the camera and Nykvist behind it. If it weren't for the unnecessarily exaggerated interpretive complexity, it would be perfect.


Skammen (1968) 

angielski Not Bergman's shame, but mine. This is an excellent film, but I was only able to tune in to its wave in the brilliant first half, then not anymore. On the other hand, it's true that a character as interesting as Jan certainly doesn't appear on screen every day.


Tokyo ! (2008) 

angielski “Neo-magic bizarre surrealism" like straight out of Murakami’s tales. Two Frenchmen, one Korean and as much originality that can fit into a space the size of Tokyo. Immediately, Gondry’s contribution sets a standard for the following tales that is so high, it is impossible to exceed. Which soon proves to be true, but even so the remaining two tales easily deserve a solid five stars. Although Merde (a sort of artsy Toxic Avenger) is perhaps a little longer than it needed to be while Shaking Tokyo on the other hand has a few loose ends. But who cares when even the “movie inside the movie" in Gondry’s tale alone is more original and more entertaining that ninety percent of movies that come to the movie theaters here in the Czech Republic. P.S.: And this certainly isn’t just an intellectual affairs for one in a thousand cinephiles, but rather a movie that can appeal to a wide range of viewers. It’s just that this range is rather more bizarre than usual.


24: Redemption (2008) (film telewizyjny) 

angielski Jack is back! A shame that, apart from the different setting, everything is just like in the last two seasons. So basically good, but forgettable. Apart from Jack Bauer, of course. Kiefer still has that charismatic pissedness about him. No doubt about that, although here his storyline remains considerably in the background. This is nothing more than two run-of-the-mill, uninspiring episodes fitted together. For the upcoming seventh season, they need a quality screenplay (which, going by this offering, is unlikely) and a change of concept (yes, throw out all CTU passages and leave LA for good). Otherwise not even the “evilest" good guy in America can save the series.


The Guild (2007) (serial) 

angielski I can believe that this became a cult movie overnight for MMORPG players who will proceed to flood discussion forums for a long time into the future. For me, apart from a couple of laughs here and there (the stripper with the kids, the Hindu/Jewish guy’s mom) but nothing more. If it weren’t for that cute Felicia, I don’t think I would have lasted out to the end.


The Son of Kong (1933) 

angielski For me to be able to announce that the filmmakers had thought up this movie on the spot, they would have had to have thought a little about it. They didn’t. But despite the obvious shoddiness, the non-existent screenplay and miserable production design, it has a nice smack of exotic adventure and dime novel. And apart from this it is even funny in places, with pleasant detachment. Both intentional. It comes nowhere near the original King Kong, but otherwise, like father like son. Apart from knowing how to show his middle finger, here everybody behaves and expresses themselves like the protagonist of O človíčkovi! However, as a whole, this is, using today’s terminology, more of a “direct 2 DVD" affair, because there is much more talking (the first forty-five minutes) than action (the closing barely twenty minutes on Skull Island).