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Recenzje (1 851)


The Mysteries of Pittsburgh (2008) 

angielski A very strange film that, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what to think of. On the one hand, it deals with quite compelling themes like interpersonal relationships, human sexuality, the future and so on, but on the other hand, I kind of felt all along that there was more to be squeezed out of it. The cast was likeable and all of their roles fit, in that respect I was satisfied. In short, a film that is most marred by the untapped potential that really lay dormant somewhere.


Sąsiedzi 2 (2016) 

angielski The sequel to Neighbors loses nothing compared to the first part, which offered quite a brisk and light summer fun to unwind. On the one hand, it is an average comedy with a simple script, but on the other hand, I laughed out loud more than once, which is the most important thing in this genre. Of course, there were a few obvious moralising nuggets of wisdom, but you can find them almost everywhere nowadays, so what the hell. The scenes that blew me away the most were the Minions and the attempted escape from the garage. In short, a decent second part, which, in the context of gender balance, offers this time more female characters, who, however, do not lag behind the male cast and properly and give the main characters a run for their money.


Agent i pół (2016) 

angielski Central Intelligence could be conceptualized and rated like the vast majority of today's comedy productions from Hollywood, namely with a bland and average rating. The film relies mainly on the utterly ambivalent appearance and nature of the two main characters played by Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart, which doesn’t work very well at times, but I still laughed. The story features a slightly predictable crime-plot that doesn't offend but doesn't amaze either, plus there's a bit of relationship, bullying and youthful angst themes thrown in, which are kind of plus points. If I had to mention the most notable flaws, I was bothered by Johnson's occasional overacting and the kind of silly "stripping" scene near the end of the film (which was offset by Johnson's opening shower dance in a latex). In short, a film that is mediocre and predictable, but whatever, I had a good time.


Grimsby (2016) 

angielski This was a really wild ride! Filled with fecal humor, offbeat action, village boors, disgusting obscenities, allusions to sexual minorities and practices, and in fact sex in general, and featuring scenes that you're unlikely to find in any other movie (the elephant mating and poison vs. testicles, for example), unless Sacha Baron Cohen is starring or writing the script again. Surprisingly, the seemingly mismatched lead pairing of Cohen and Jeremy Strong ended up having some chemistry, and as a result, the two actors complemented each other well. The supporting cast also amused me, in particular about Rebel Wilson ("I'm not pregnant. I'm just fucking fat!") and Gabourey Sidibe. I was also amused by the fake-cameos of Daniel Radcliffe and Donald Trump, as well as the allusions to the characters' resemblance to real persons. In short, a film that isn't quite for everyone, as the level of fecklessness occasionally went sky-high, but nonetheless, I was personally amused (and even disgusted).


Angry Birds Film (2016) 

angielski A cool animated flick, I didn’t expect too much from it, so I was satisfied with the result. The animation was strange at times, but it didn't distract me in any way. As for the story, it was simple, but it doesn't offend. It's that old familiar tale about how the outsider and the grumpy one became the favourite at the end, (minor spoiler) who saved everything. The film didn't have many outright funny scenes, but I still laughed a few times (especially at the scene with the Pool of Wisdom, as others have mentioned). In short, an unpretentious relaxing film for an hour and a half, which is really great to unwind with ... and it doesn't make you ANGRY at all.


Nice Guys. Równi goście (2016) 

angielski A decent genre mix with a very likeable cast, in which you get both humorous and action scenes, with everything in moderation and in the right doses, a very good watch. The two main characters really entertained me, whether they were falling off a roof, getting drunk, throwing punches, or just letting out some lines into the ether. All in all, an enjoyable way to spend less than two hours with a film that stands out especially for its genre diversity, well-written script and last but not least the cast.


Ghostbusters. Pogromcy duchów (2016) 

angielski According to the reviews and comments here, I was expecting a disaster of greater proportions, but that is not what the new Ghostbusters are. It is not even close to the original two films from the 80s - there is no need to discuss that. And so we're left to think of this film as a slightly misguided reboot of a time-honoured brand and an attempt at gender swapping to bring balance to the imaginary universe. There were a few jokes that worked, but for the most part, the humor was lost during their execution. As for the actors, the film relies heavily on the physical acting of Melissa McCarthy and the sassy temper of Leslie Jones, plus the fact that Chris Hemsworth, oddly enough, was quite good in the role of the dumb secretary. In short, it's one of those cases where they took too big a bite, and tried in vain to bring to the present day a classic for which that old-school look was a big part of its success.


How Wolves Change Rivers (2014) 

angielski You wouldn't believe how interconnected every single animal, plant and overall component of nature around us is, as told in this solidly filmed and rewarding five-minute short that features beautiful footage and ideas.


Closet Space (2016) 

angielski One woman! One man! One chamber! Lots of multiplied things! And poof!!! Quite an imaginative short, although I probably got a bit lost at the end.


Lights Out (2013) 

angielski I almost wouldn't believe that it's possible to build solid tension and create a sense of fear in just three minutes, but this scary short is proof of that.