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Recenzje (1 702)


Pan de Peace! (2016) (serial) 

angielski Pan de Peace! is cute, even though it feels like a shorter rip off anime series called Is the Order a Rabbit? except that in this show, the girls enjoy pastries instead of coffee. It has also got that slight yuri tension, plus it is cute, occasionally funny, and enjoyable. In addition, the new girl with pink hair immediately started reminding me of Chino. Still, it is too short, much less cute and funny, and in other words, I can see myself preferring to watch another series with coffee instead of pastries. Still, I cannot say I did not like it; it is just that it was not up to more than being slightly better than average. 5.5/10.


Endride (2016) (serial) 

angielski Could this be a strange fantasy version of Journey to the Centre of a …. hollow Earth !?! It stars two boys who tiptoe around, with swords coming out of their chests, and eventually team up against a common enemy. So it does not look completely stupid; they are joined by a very unpleasant, insufferable girl with a strange dragon. She not only acts as a pretty awful mascot for this crap but is also her ultimate weapon, and you do not even want to know what else is going on. Next comes the scientist, who is also "awfully cute" and who, like most characters, will survive just about anything, just like a cockroach does. Along the way, we meet the show's version of Robin Hood, who is probably the only one who is not a total and insufferable retard, and his "merry band" of strange beings. We learn how to pull off a political coup in a completely boring and moronic way and experience twists that would work surprisingly well anywhere else and yet seem incredibly boring when in this particular show. It does not have a brilliant narrative by any stretch of the imagination, so you can fairly accurately predict where the show is heading from the start. In addition, even the most surprising plot twists do nothing to make it interesting because, as I mentioned before, the execution is terrible. The emotional aspect is incomprehensible, and the "sorry, I stabbed your father..." conversations are inexecrable. "It is okay, he was an asshole anyway, however, you are an even bigger asshole" comes up far too often. The two main protagonists' dialogue made me feel like I was watching something like Dumb and Dumber (or, speaking of Jim Carrey movies, perhaps "Dumb and Dumber and Cow"), even though, unfortunately, this version is not in the least bit funny. Add to that a terrible opening and ending, and animation needlessly over-colored, and you have something unwatchable. I think there was almost nothing was very good about this except for one character and the original, interesting idea of a hollow Earth, and I surprised myself that I survived this ride to the end. Well, because I managed to finish watching it, I am going to give it one point, which will save it from being BOO!, because once again I am going to remind you that Pupa was worse, though not by much... 1/10.


High School Fleet (2016) (serial) 

angielski If I could have a conversation with the people who came up with this, I think it would go like this; "Let us put a load of sexy schoolgirls on a warship!" "Why?" "Because it has never been done before! Sexy schoolgirls are already everywhere and can do almost anything, so why they could not operate a warship I do not know!" "Well, they cannot carry torpedoes because it would look a bit weird and shady, and how the hell do you justify that?" "Well, magical school! There are plenty of high schools in anime series, so why not start one for training a special crew for a warship?" "It sounds clichéd as hell!" "It is not going to be. Yeah, we are going to put schoolgirls in short uniforms, as I am sure there are going to be fans of that!" "So what about the narrative? This seems like total crap." "Well, we set them up as rookies, and they start a fight with the other ships because there is a misunderstanding, and the battle and suspense are taken care of!" “Aw man, nobody is going to buy that.". So I guess that is it. I like cuteness and cute anime girls; however, this whole thing did not make much sense, and the entire premise of schoolgirls on a warship did not sit right with me somehow. I found the first episode weird, although not in an interesting way. The characters were just cute little girls, so no surprise for me, nothing to write home about. The animation was pretty nice overall, and someone probably did a pretty good job with the ships, even though none of that impressed me all that much. The soundtrack was not great. So my initial feelings regarding this show are rather meh. The FilmBooster reviewer DaweForeman partially compares it to Kantai Collection and points out that this show is much more realistic. He is right about that, although it had the opposite effect on me. Kantai Collection was a bunch of weirdness that I found interesting, though, and the fact that the little girls represent individual ships and the fact that it gets funny, like with the "repair bucket", I found amusing. High School Fleet makes the girls the crew of warships, and I did not find them believable; I doubted they could really do it (same as let's say driving a tank - wait a minute...). On the other hand, when you stop dwelling on this and stop using logic, your impression of the show can start to shift. Over time, I got used to it, and I stopped worrying that sexy schoolgirls and warships do not go together very well and let myself ride the waves of cuteness and pleasant interactions between the girls. In that respect, it was quite an enjoyable anime series because, as I mentioned, cute sexy schoolgirls were aplenty, and almost everyone was charming. So in the end, once again, I got a show where there were things I liked (Lolis! Lolis Everywhere...) and things that did not convince me, and thus, the overall feeling I had regarding this show ended up somewhere in the middle. 5/10.


Kiznaiver (2016) (serial) 

angielski The idea of sharing and feeling another person’s pain is quite interesting. If people could feel other people's pain, they perhaps would not feel the need to hurt them, and people would understand each other much more - I can get my head around that. Even so, this show lacked momentum, and the atmosphere only hinted at what it could have been, given it has an interesting topic. Still, this show is not bad. The main characters are, on the whole, an interesting mix of various extreme character types, and while I was not too impressed with them at first, the more I got to know them, the more I liked them. I was not too interested in the main male protagonist, although Hajime Tenga, Nico Niiyama, and Tsuguhito Yuta were quite entertaining. I am also going to mention that I liked the colorful and pleasant opening, even though electronic music is not exactly my cup of tea. In conclusion, even though initially I was not impressed, I gradually started to like this anime series. In the end, however, I still cannot say that it was all that great or that I became very enthusiastic about it. Sure I was curious to see how it would end and how the "very fragile relationships" would unravel. I did not feel disappointed (rather, everything turned out more or less as I expected), even though I think it could have all been much better. So, in my opinion, it is just OK and just OK is worth three stars. 5.5/10.


Tanaka-kun wa icumo kedaruge (2016) (serial) 

angielski Tanaka-kun is always lazy, Tanaka-kun is always apathetic, and somehow I do not know why I should care about that. I have seen a good few anime series with a main male protagonist who tries to save energy and considers a lot of things unnecessary, however, Tanaka-kun Is Always Listless is pretty extreme. Plus, I wonder what they are going to do with this anime series; after all, even the first episode felt incredibly long and practically about nothing. Sure we have gotten to know Tanaka, and we have gotten to know Ohta, without whom Tanaka would probably be left to die under a tree somewhere. We have seen plenty of instances of stuff like Tanaka-kun is always dozing and Tanaka-kun is always acting exhausted, however, if this is all we are going to be watching throughout the anime series, I do not know. Of course, other characters are introduced eventually, even though I did not find their interactions with Tanaka extremely interesting. So I was also quite disinterested and bored while watching this show, and therefore did not enjoy it much. 4/10.


Kuromukuro (2016) (serial) 

angielski There is an invasion by mecha and robotic drones from another planet, swords that look like lightsabers (because they are very stupidly illuminated), and a mysterious cube. Well, it seems like another weird mecha no-brainer starring a certain naive albeit quite a cute girl and a tough, or rather "wild" samurai to protect her. Even so, this duo is quite likable, as are some of the other characters, although some characters are downright annoying (like the YouTuber). Mecha is not my favorite anime genre, although I have to say that this show was quite watchable. Plus, they do not wear extremely tight tacky jumpsuits. I thought the conflict between the ancient samurai and the modern world was hilarious, and some of the observations this show's samurai makes were quite funny. The narrative does not feel too complicated, there are some very good moments, so it is quite fascinating sometimes. I have to say that in the end, I was quite pleasantly surprised by this mecha fantasy epic. 6/10.


Kótecudžó no kabaneri (2016) (serial) 

angielski "WIT Studio presents... From the studio that brought us such well-known pieces as Attack on Titan, Seraph of the End, and the not-so-well-known The Empire of Corpses comes something you may have already seen before in their previous productions, even though it may well be combined in a way you have never dreamed of... Get ready for a world that is once again on the brink of the very end because - it is completely pointless to think of another reason for creating an oppressive atmosphere and suspense... Prepare for another main male protagonist who is so determined that his determination borders on becoming a mental illness... Meet a main female protagonist who seems to be much stronger at first glance than the main male protagonist, even though she is only playing second fiddle for some reason... Experience action scenes so surreal that you will forget that this anime series should also have a coherent and logical narrative... Coming to you this spring; ATTACK ON WALKING DEAD SERAPH!!! Believe the HYPE! Join the HYPE train! Recommended by eleven out of ten true anime connoisseurs!" This is an excerpt from Jeoffrey's Honest Trailers... Seriously! I have to say that the first episode was what I had expected and thus I was not surprised. If someone had not been reminded of Attack on Titan during the first episode, they were either blind or just have not seen AoT. Everything is only emphasized in the following episodes, and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is just another product of WIT Studio, which is made mainly for effect, full of action scenes, gore, and fights with very good animation. The characters are again very narrowly profiled, they have their own opinions, and there is no truth for them other than their own. The narrow profiling makes them act like total idiots on many occasions, and it makes me feel the need to bang my head against the wall a lot. Again, there are a lot of plot holes and things that anyone with common sense will find very difficult to accept. For example, the characters are not as unbearable to me as Eren Yeager and his crew were. There is even a little less screaming and overwrought hysterics; although you should not worry too much, it is still coming. The main male protagonist's emotional outburst that he is going to kill all the Kabane is still coming. The bottom line is that Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress is a gorgeous spectacle, a very crazy and intense ride that I could enjoy, even though to expect anything other than a mediocre experience, you have to DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! Despite all the crazy stuff I saw, I will award this show four stars because the animation is stunning and action-packed. 7/10.


Flying Witch (2016) (serial) 

angielski A girl flies on a broom and pulls a weepy mandrake out of the dirt. All she has to do is start waving a wand around and playing Quidditch, and it should be quite obvious what this show is trying to be. On the other hand, I have to say that Flying Witch is very easy to watch, the animation and its soundtrack are quite pleasant, the characters are quite likable, the magical world it is set in has a lot to offer. The atmosphere is also very good. So it is a respectable show which is relaxing due to its pleasant pace. 7.5/10.


Majoiga (2016) (serial) 

angielski I was looking forward to this show because the premise seemed very interesting and full of mystery, and the suggested drama promised great things. Well, in the end, it was all just empty promises! The pacing was so slow at the beginning that I wondered if it would take five episodes to get away from the village. Then suddenly, there was a second episode, and it went into some weird frenzy where the characters were already established, and some odd things were happening. There was a distinct absence of logic. It became very mysterious even though the biggest puzzle I had to solve was what SonGokussj wrote about in his review on FilmBooster. How is it that when they came to the village, it was dark and then a second later, without moving an inch, it was suddenly light? Was it magic? Was it aliens? Did God say: "Let there be light"? Seriously, everything else is not mysterious, and it certainly does not give you the chills because even if it wanted to build some atmosphere, all the weird dialogues and even weirder characters dilute it and stomp it into the ground. Too many characters have their own opinions and reasons for being there, and everyone has their own traumatic experience. So what was supposed to be puzzling and mysterious turns out to be a rather boring psychological storyline? DaweForeman perfectly summed it up for FilmBooster in his review - "this is some gibberish about how everyone has certain problems of their own and how they have to deal with them on their own." I was expecting it to take off, and it just did not go anywhere. All it left me with watching the last episode and its denouement was a slightly cocked eyebrow and a somewhat bored expression. It also left me with thoughts along the lines of "hmmm, ok" and the certainty that I am probably not going to remember The Lost Village in a few weeks. 3/10.


Ragnastrike Angels (2016) (serial) 

angielski What could you cram into forty seconds? Almost nothing! Perhaps a little bit of a plot that tells the bare minimum, and of course, some fan service because you cannot do without it. Above all, you could cram an advertisement for a video game of the same name. So do not forget to register and become a special operations commander because these girls cannot do it without you. I am awarding this show one star because, as a commercial, it was not the worst idea, and by only spending less than eight minutes on it, the anime’s creators could not manage to piss me off. Dropped after the eighth episode and 2/10.