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Recenzje (1 480)


Ansacu kjóšicu: Socugjó-hen (2016) 

angielski Average. What detracts most from the film is its disjointedness. Hurry hurry this, hurry hurry that, the viewer doesn't even get a chance to figure out what season it is and suddenly it changes again. The walk through time is therefore quite confusing. The acting and effects are exactly the same as in the first movie. Basically, you're counting on remembering who's who and what they did in the previous film, because without that, the movie feels very incomplete. The part where they talk about Korosensei's past is probably the best part of the whole movie. Of the whole rushed movie. I liked the second season of the anime less than the first (although a lot of people had it the other way around); it's the same with the movie. If you have a vivid memory of the first movie, watch this one too, rip the band-aid off quickly. ;-)


Boss (2009) (serial) 

angielski The cases themselves are about nothing, some are really more for people with no idea how the laws of physics work who like things far-fetched. Everyone is weird and wacky, less mystery and more masquerade. But the references to all sorts of other TV shows and movies and other pop culture, especially Japanese, are great. That's a big plus. Now and then you get bored, now and then you get entertained. I mean, it's nice that they're trying to be original with the cinematography, but this time that originality didn't really work for me. Sometimes the zooming got on my nerves. Average of averages.


Kirawareru Júki (2017) (serial) 

angielski Slightly below average within this genre. Not bad if you want something relaxing where the main star is an investigator in the form of Karina, and the characters behave acceptably enough, so give it a go. It doesn't offend, it doesn't excite. Great for bedtime. The main character has the attitude that she doesn't care what others think, which automatically means she’s out of her element in Japanese society; after all, in Japanese society it is not only important what others think, it doesn't matter how it is in reality. So, of course, this "problem" is something her partner struggles with through the whole series. But he gets good at it. Plus, Shiina Kippei's cute. He's a good listener. Well, that being said. A very, very average series, but why not give it a try if you don't want anything challenging?


A LIFE: kanašiki hito (2017) (serial) 

angielski Kind of that hospital classic where we have a genius doctor who doesn't really get along with the Japanese way of running a hospital and the overall Japanese hospital philosophy. And here we get KimuTaku playing him, so there's something to watch, that guy is just interesting and has his own charm. However, his character seemed awfully flat to me, especially when compared to his childhood friend Danjo, played by Asano Tadanobu. His character went through so many changes and shifts that he was the most interesting thing about the entire series, even though in many cases he seemed almost repulsive from a human standpoint, in the end he actually wasn't. It might even make sense to write a longer treatise on him. I also appreciated Kimura Fumino, she was fine as the smart little sister, unlike Takeuchi Yuko, who I didn't find much to my liking this time around. It's not a bad series, it's average. If you're in the mood for a hospital setting with a genius in the lead, this is definitely not a bad choice.


Tocuzen desuga, ašita kekkon šimasu (2017) (serial) 

angielski As for the acting, I was very pleasantly surprised at how Flumpol member Yamamura Ryuta fared, considering that it was his first role. Whoever did the casting did not go astray. Not even with Mariya, because she is really growing as an actress. The same goes for the rest of the cast, in my opinion everyone was very well chosen, they performed their roles with grace and didn't stumble. Maybe the director had a hand in this as well. What I really liked about the series was that it had kind of gone its own way and hadn't gotten bogged down with stereotypes. Maybe just a little bit, but very naturally. And then... it fell right into them. Fortunately, the two main characters aren't stupid and you have to like them. The dialogue was good, the various relationships kept you interested, the way they were set up. For a long time, I believed this would be a 4-star series, but oh that ending. Not that it was explicitly bad, but it was just that what was going on was drawn out, stretched out over several episodes, only to be sort of resolved in the last one, and I don't know why; the whole process left a bad taste in my mouth. A series with a lot of potential killed by the biggest stereotype in the celebrity vs. ordinary mortal genre. Still, I definitely recommend it, because it's ultimately a pleasant respite; the Japanese are somehow working and throwing nothing but romances into the ether, and some even manage to "subvert the myths" – cohabitation between a man and a woman only after marriage! A better 3 stars.


Blue Exorcist - Kjóto fudžó'ó hen (2017) (seria) 

angielski For a series that didn't really grab me the first time around, I quite liked the second one. The characters and their feelings worked better, and it was easier to relate to them and even like them. Again, it's also nicely drawn, so I was satisfied. Especially because the story was interesting, managed to be action packed, and of course like any Shōnen had its funny moments. Last, I liked the opening and the ending. Basically, I don't have much to say about it. I liked it, I liked it. I don't even know why. The main thing is that I left happy.


Nanimono (2016) 

angielski If anyone is interested in how the hiring process and job hunting works in Japan, especially for young people, I think this is the perfect film. Not only does it show an entire job search culture that is unimaginable to us, where it's not unusual to put in a lot of legwork, but it also portrays what it does to relationships between people who are essentially competitors and rivals. Do we wish them well? Laugh behind their backs? Lie to cut the biggest slice? Pure drama, well acted, well spoken, well shot, and yet without an unnecessarily long running time. This is a film worth seeing. And I haven't even mentioned that it features stars of their time who are only just out of high school roles.


Desu noto Light up the NEW world (2016) 

angielski The action is great, the actors aren't bad, in some ways it's similar to the previous installments, in some ways it's completely different, but ultimately it's once again insanely overdone. If it hadn't ended after everything that happened, the rating would be higher. It's definitely not a bad film, it's well made, it has its pluses and minuses (for example, the casting of Fujii Mina and her character altogether was completely worthless), but when all’s said and done it's a slightly above average film that definitely has something to offer.


Kódai-ke no hitobito (2016) 

angielski An enjoyable romantic comedy where all of the Kōdai family were cute and you just want to cuddle them indiscriminately. Ayase Haruka played the usual, just her naive, dopey, trumpery self. The whole thing rolled along at a nice pace, it just couldn't drum up the ending properly and ended very naively. Then again, it was a nice fairy tale. A weaker 4 stars.


Ojadži no senaka (2014) (serial) 

angielski The first installment of sort of a melancholic and understatedly punchy multi-part tale by Okada Yoshikazu. Tamura Masakazu and Matsu Takako both did a very good job. The second installment felt weaker than the first, but then again it has a story that blends the present with the past in a fast-paced way, and this installment shows how a father's dream can become a daughter's and vice versa. Their dreams became so intertwined that in the end they couldn't wish each other any other happiness. Rating other episodes after watching.