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Recenzje (7 558)


Orange Is the New Black - Tatuażowe wspominki (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski So, I've come to terms with the fact that this series is living in its own reality, and I managed to find some enjoyment in it. But man, sometimes the script really came back to bite its own creator. By the way, if nobody else will do it, I might just have to personally take care of Baxter Bailey. He is just too much to bear.


Orange Is the New Black - Sufit z dykty (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski So, the plot kind of lost its groove for me. I found myself zoning out during the whole Lorna and Suzanne saga, and it threw off the episode's rhythm. It's a shame because after the great previous episode.


Orange Is the New Black - Odwrotność Midasa (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski The tenth episode took the plot up a notch. It's hard to pick a favorite storyline, but if I had to, it'd be the hilarious one involving Caputo's negotiation with Fig. That had me in stitches!


Orange Is the New Black - Robi się cieplej (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski The ninth episode nailed it with a perfect blend of Piscatella's action-packed storyline and the high-stakes negotiations for the hostages' release and ending the rebellion. It kept me thoroughly engaged throughout. And Caputo? Well, he never fails to bring the laughs. Overall, very satisfying.


Orange Is the New Black - Przywiązana do torów (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski Following the previous episode's dive into humanity, this one brought back the proper action and drama, and I loved it. The contrast felt refreshing. The storyline is unfolding in an intriguing and entertaining way. Here's hoping the creators nail the final third of the season. 4*+


Orange Is the New Black - Wszystkie włosy. Pół snickersa. (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski The seventh episode took a bit of a detour from the main plot, with the rebellion fading into the background. Instead, we were treated to one of the most human episodes since the series began. It was a refreshing change of pace, offering deeper dialogue and a glimpse into the characters' humanity.


Orange Is the New Black - Palimy cheetosy (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski While this episode saw the creators shift their focus towards interpersonal relationships and mental states, sidelining the negotiations between rebels and authorities a bit, I found it quite enjoyable. And note to self: always read the label before drinking the paint. 4*-


Orange Is the New Black - Zaśpiewaj to, Biała Effie (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski The fifth episode was pretty much on par with the previous one in terms of quality, and ordinarily, I'd give it four stars. However, it became overly emotional in reflecting on the experiences of black individuals. Frankly, I'm growing weary of the incessant dwelling on historical injustices


Orange Is the New Black - Litchfield Idol (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski The latest episode showed some improvement compared to the last one; the storyline picked up speed, but it didn't quite match the top-notch atmosphere of the pilot. It'd be nice if the creators focused more on enhancing the atmosphere or injecting some humor to lift it up a notch for me.


Orange Is the New Black - Siusiu-siostry (2017) (odcinek) 

angielski After that exciting start, I feel like the series is losing its momentum. It seems like the creators are hitting a roadblock with the prison rebellion storyline and are having trouble finding a satisfying resolution. While the episode wasn't terrible, some of the plotlines just didn't grab my attention like I hoped they would.