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Recenzje (39)


Pierwotniak, Piękniś, Kropka i Karel (2021) 

angielski This is when 4 friends get together at a class reunion; they're all in their 40s but acting like they're 6 years old. And I had the feeling that the time machine had taken me back to the time of the Czech director Poledňáková, when all men - regardless of age - were presented as "cute little guys". Only, there was some development in the females. These were not Poledňáková’s wise and understanding mothers as we know them (although one of them was aspiring to the Gandhi Award), instead they were angry, scared, upset or pushy. The plot doesn't make sense and nor do the background antics; dramatic interludes don't belong in this type of movie and it's further undermined by the performances of the adored actors whose acting in any movie never gets any further than being perpetually pissed. So they didn't come up with anything original here either. IN A NUTSHELL: How to voluntarily make a jerk of yourself to please your high school classmates... Oh, right, of course... Making a jerk of themselves was clearly not too much effort for these protagonists.


Helene (2020) 

angielski She lived in seclusion, socialized very little, painted in her own way. Finns pay tribute to their painter and the beautiful landscapte of Finland. Her life was not easy and must have been exhausting, but her work endures. A nice biopic where nothing much happens except for one disappointment in love, bickering with her mother and the struggle to get recognition for her work, even within her family. She wasn't a secret service agent, she was an artist painting intimate pictures - so the movie is quiet and brooding, about an art worker.


Le Sauvage (1975) 

angielski Boring and annoying. Deneuve and Montand are running around some forgotten island, with him occasionally slapping her or hitting her on the head with a rock (that would explain a lot). There is almost no reason for this, their past, which is supposed to play a big role in the movie, is not explained much. The ending lies in the realm of dumb clichés.


Skandal w Karolinie Południowej: Kto zabił Paula i Maggie Murdaugh (2023) (serial) 

angielski The truth is that money and power make Justice blind. Not in the sense that it applies to everybody equally, but that it overlooks the crimes of the rich and powerful. This documentary is very descriptive and far-reaching precisely because it shows that the privileged can get away with anything. The only thing that amazed me was how such an ugly family could have so many admirers. I guess the money blinded them, too. Otherwise, it's about rich rednecks; about how money can't buy you taste and class. And about how everyone likes to look the other way when the wealthy do something wrong.


Jojo Rabbit (2019) 

angielski The idea is original, where both the little clumsy Nazi and the heroic Nazi commander find a place in the viewer’s heart. The surprisingly playful atmosphere portrays the last days of the thousand-year Reich and also showcases the unusual characters, where the quirky, spirited and very sweet mother played by Scarlett Johansson stands out in front. I still felt such a cozy closeness from the movie, until I found out it was set in the Czech Republic (my home country).


Król (2019) 

angielski It takes a while for the viewer to get over the fact that here the otherwise fragile, etheric Timothée playing a proficient drinker and invincible warrior... I also had trouble believing him being a womanizer....  So if you manage to get over that, you will enjoy a black and grey medieval period full of dirt, mud and cruel massacres. It's not bad, just depressing.


Nie! (2022) 

angielski OK, so this sci-fi horror movie has a nice, solid atmosphere, carefully building tension. The monster is only hinted at most of the time, it is only revealed at the end and the artwork on it is pretty good. The high-quality, but not well-known actors are a joy to watch. The flashbacks affording glimpses into the past, leading back to one similar incident, were carefully rationed, appearing at just the right times, giving away only what was absolutely essential. So the viewer is clear about what happened back then, and is just left wondering how much will be revealed in the next flashback. I give a big plus point for the fact that there is no love interest in the film. _____ However, I was annoyed by the music, as well as the hero's whiny, selfish sister, and I got a bit bored at times during some of the waiting. IN A NUTSHELL: Sentence: "He must be watching us from the cloud...," may have a completely different meaning than you think.


Wdowa Couderc (1971) 

angielski Excellent yet reserved performances by famous actors, a simple yet multi-layered story about one (or two) women's misery that gets an unexpected boost in the shape of a visit from a man who behaves differently from all the redneck machos in the backwater of a village, make for a somber movie that is nevertheless full of life and hope. Whatever ends up happening to her. When a director has actors and a script like this, words are superfluous: in the clothes washing scene with the widow with the other villagers, Simone Signoret manages to celebrate her triumphant victory just by scrubbing a man's shirt. SUMMARY WITH SPOILER: Everything would have gone wrong anyhow, even if the gendarmes hadn't shown up. But those few moments of happiness were wonderful.


Enola Holmes 2 (2022) 

angielski Enola washes her blue stockings and throws herself back into solving detective stories and defending women's rights. I like how this girl talking to the viewer through the broken fourth wall more than in part one. The story is tighter and more believable. Enola is more mature and therefore has calmed down a bit. Not enough to bore, and she has enough firepower left to entertain. The movie makes no secret of the fact that it is primarily intended for teenage girls, as someone to lean on and to some extent as a role model. Why on earth not? We have seen heaps of boy rascals, but girls don't have that many rascal heroines to identify with. IN A NUTSHELL: Sometimes a strike of a match can start a fire that just keeps burning.