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Recenzje (1 970)


Forrest Gump (1994) 

angielski I could write almost the same thing for this film as I did for Pulp Fiction. When it premiered, I was studying in České Budějovice and I couldn't miss the screening in the local cinema, especially after reading the enthusiastic review in Cinema (at that time, under the guidance of Iva Hejlíčková, it was still worth something). There were about twenty of us in the cinema, and at the end there was a chorus of sniffling, accompanied by wiping tears on handkerchiefs. And what happened next? Then, full of enthusiasm, I recommended Forrest Gump to all my friends and acquaintances at the uni, and it’s admirable how word of mouth worked at a time when there was no internet (and mobile phones were the size of a small suitcase and owned only by a select few). Five days later, on the day before the last screening, I wanted to repeat the experience and I was unlucky – it was sold out! Back then, premieres and films in general were screened only for a week, unlike today's multiplexes, but with Forrest Gump they made an exception and extended the screenings for another week and almost all the screenings were full. As far as I know, Forrest continued to fill cinemas across the country for at least another year and a half after its premiere. You know, back then it you couldn't download a hideous screen-rip from the internet, you had go to the cinema for the experience.


W obronie własnej (2013) 

angielski An archetypically stupid script can only make a stupid film. I don't buy the Stallone cliché, but in Statham’s films, which are all the same, there is nothing new under the sun, so there can be no question of disappointment. And James Franco is a casting blunder, he can't play the bad guy with that smarmy, good-guy face.


CBGB (2013) 

angielski Yes, this flick has almost every filmmaking malady one can think of. Often narratively ham-fisted, as if it were an eager attempt by an inattentive film student, the timing of scenes with some comic potential is botched and even the intended humour is often lost in them. But what Randall Miller lacks in talent, he replaces with passion for the cause. You can clearly feel the genuine love for rock music, the undisguised admiration for the classic musicians who appear here (Ramones, Talking Heads, The Police, Patti Smith, Blondie, Iggy Pop, etc.) and the respect for the "godfather of punk" Hilly Kristal, played with likeable casualness by Alan Rickman. Sometimes that alone is enough to make me like a film, despite all its creative flaws. 3 or 4 stars? In this case, it’s irrelevant.


Wilk z Wall Street (2013) 

angielski What surprised me, and not in a very good way, is that Scorece’s position towards the protagonist is neutral, as if he was saying that ripping people off, doing drugs and shagging whores is kind of fine. That's a pretty big problem for me, as a die-hard idealist. So far, none of Scorsese's films have lacked some kind of catharsis at the end, unfortunately I didn't get it here. I acknowledge the fantastic filmmaking, which on more than one occasion managed to elicit a relieved laugh from me, but otherwise I'd always prefer the stupid postmen who can only afford penny stocks over cunts like Jordan Belfort and his wolf pack. This farce is actually very far from a complex fresco telling something about something.


Kobiety pragną bardziej (2009) 

angielski I didn't appreciate this film until years later, perhaps influenced at the time by whoever was in the director's chair. A hugely enjoyable flick, tasteful, without pandering and with more than one truth of life. Most of all, it's admirable how Kwapis balances the entire film on a fine edge, never slipping into turning his narrative into a shallow cliché. And the character portrayed here by Justin Long is hugely likeable, if I wasn't straight I'd probably fall in love with him :o)


Stíny horkého léta (1977) 

angielski After a forced hiatus of several years, when the consolidating normalisation regime had him in their sight, this is but a mere glimmer of the genius of Vláčil, whose excellent craft and imagery exploded in the 1960s and whose artistic heyday (when he was planning many other ambitious historical projects until the 1970s) was halted by the invasion of Russian troops and the subsequent shameful five-year era of "cinema of oblivion". In other words, the Communists squeezed Vláčil like a lemon, and although his last creative phase is not to be dismissed, the proverbial chains that had bound his hands for the previous ten years are very noticeable. Such a shame.


Madigan (1968) 

angielski The "good boy of Hollywood" Henry Fonda is again a respectable good guy in every way, Richard Widmark is again the right stubborn policeman, there's some fine jazz music and the atmosphere of New York at the end of the 1960s is very classy, but the plot in the first two acts is not engaging at all, it doesn't draw you in and there’s too much dialogue dealing with utter banalities. I was expecting something much sharper from Don Siegel, a specialist in the crime genre and macho films, and I didn't get it until the last twenty minutes, which ooze with the charge so typical of his films.


Ostatni człowiek na ziemi (1964) 

angielski With a bit of exaggeration, it’s sort of thematically related to Will Smith’s hit I, Legend. The post-apocalyptic atmosphere of the first 20 minutes is excellent. There’s no need for stacked clusters of extras and panoramic scenes, just a few deserted streets, garbage on the ground, a few dead bodies by the roadside and the ominous smoke from the pit where the main character cremates the infected corpses. The concept of zombies, or rather infected ones, is somewhat strange: they resemble drunkards on their way back home from a bender, even after three years since the infection they still walk around in fairly clean and undamaged clothes, they hate garlic, mirrors and daylight, they call the main character by his name and they use tools. The flashback, which illustrates and explains the plot, is rather brief, so that the weight of the moment when the pandemic breaks out fails to reach you. The final ten-minute action set-piece is unintentionally funny, unfortunately. Of course, there's the charismatic Vincent Price, who bravely carries everything his shoulders, he could sell the biggest crap.


Don Jon (2013) 

angielski This film looks different on the outside (synopsis, trailers) than what it is. I wasn’t expecting it to be so mature and self-aware, my appreciation for Gordon-Levitt has risen. Until now I regarded him as an interesting actor, but now I seem him as an interesting filmmaker who knows what he wants to say without pandering.


Wyścig (2013) 

angielski "A wise man can learn more from his enemies than a fool from his friends." (Niki Lauda).